What the hell is going on in your state, Kosar?


Channel Member
Jul 31, 2004
If the canes, mosquitos, sharks, or random freeway bullets don't get you, the gators will. ....I pray the Manatees don't discover human meat someday.


2 More Fatal Fla. Gator Attacks Reported

MIAMI (AP) - Florida had seen just 17 confirmed fatal alligator attacks in the previous 58 years. In less than a week, there appears to have been three.

The bodies of two women were found Sunday some 130 miles apart.

Annemarie Campbell, 23, of Paris, Tenn., was attacked while snorkeling in a secluded recreation area near Lake George, said state wildlife spokeswoman Kat Kelley. The lake is about 50 miles southeast of Gainesville.

``The people she was staying with came around and found her inside the gator's mouth,'' said Marion County Fire-Rescue Capt. Joe Amigliore.

By poking the alligator's eyes and trying to open its jaws, the men were able to free Campbell's body, but she was dead when they found her, the Ocala Star-Banner reported.

Her stepfather, who had tried to help her, was treated on the scene for a hand injury.

``You just don't think of your daughter dying from an alligator,'' Campbell's mother, Dawn Marie Yankeelov, told the newspaper.

Authorities estimate the animal was 7 to 9 feet long.

In Pinellas County, the body of another woman apparently killed by an alligator was found in a canal 20 miles north of St. Petersburg, authorities said.

Judy W. Cooper's body had been in the water for about three days, authorities said.

The 43-year-old Dunedin woman suffered animal bites that were consistent with an alligator, which ``did play some part in the victim's death,'' according to a preliminary autopsy. The cause of death was pending and the medical examiner's final report will not be released for at least four weeks, the sheriff's office said.

``We don't know the condition she was in when this happened,'' state wildlife spokesman Gary Morse said.

It was not immediately known why Cooper was in the area where wildlife officials said alligators are frequently spotted.

Cooper's family had not heard from her for about three months and she had a history of drug abuse, her sister, Dannette Goodrich, told The Orlando Sentinel.

Gary Goodrich, Cooper's brother-in-law, told the newspaper that officials said her purse was found near the water and drugs may have played a factor.

Authorities were baiting traps in their searches for both gators Sunday.

On Wednesday, construction workers found the dismembered body of a Florida Atlantic University student in a canal near Fort Lauderdale. A medical examiner concluded that the 28-year-old woman was attacked near the canal bank and dragged into the water.

On Saturday, wildlife officers captured an 9-foot, 6-inch alligator in Sunrise that they believe fatally attacked Yovy Suarez Jimenez while she was out jogging.

Suarez's death was the 18th confirmed fatal alligator attack in Florida since 1948. Nine other previous deaths are unconfirmed, mainly because it was not clear whether the person was already dead when the alligator attacked.

What provoked the attacks in three separate Florida counties was unknown, but state wildlife officials said alligators are generally on the move looking for mates and food this time of year.

``As the weather heats up, the alligators' metabolism increases and they have to eat more,'' Florida Fish & Wildlife Conservation Commission spokesman Willie Puz said Sunday. ``They might be moving more, but that just shouldn't mean increased alligator attacks.''

Florida residents are warned not to swim in heavily vegetated areas, feed wildlife or walk pets near the water, especially between dusk and dawn when gators are more active, Morse said.

05/15/06 06:49 ? Copyright The Associated Press

Quote of the year: "You just don't think of your daughter dying from an alligator." :sadwave:


Forum Member
Nov 27, 1999
ft myers, fl
Yeah, three alligator deaths in a week after 18 the last 48 years. I have no idea, but you get the usual talking heads explaining it away by saying that we're in a draught, it's mating season, they're hungry, development has overrun their sanctuaries...etc

Who knows. Last week it was front page news here in Fort Myers when some 70+ yr old lady was confronted with a gator in her yard and she whacked it with a garden hose and the gator fled.

Something weird is going on, for sure.

I do take issue with you including 'random freeway bullets' in your analysis, though. That's more Southern Cal stuff.

I do think we lead the league in child molesters, though.

After Vegas, Florida is probably the number one place to 'disappear', especially the east side of the state from West Palm Beach to Miami.


Forum Member
Nov 27, 1999
ft myers, fl
Oh, and screw the manatees. There are about a whole 200 of them floating around in about 8 million sqaure miles, and as a result of the PETA etal freaks, boats are limited to no wake in 90% of the non-gulf areas.

What *should* take 5 minutes to get to the gulf takes 40 minutes.

They aren't even indigenous to Florida.

The sooner they're extinct the better, but unfortunately their ranks grow every year.


Channel Member
Jul 31, 2004
Manatees are the only mamal completely unmoved by terrorist threats, according to South Park.

....I thought I remember reports a few years ago about kids from the hood shooting at people for no reason from freeway overpasses.

....And then there was also the rash of tourists gettin jacked and whacked on the sides of roads too. It got so bad, they stopped putting the rental company's bumper sticker on the cars.

....As for California, we've never had a freeway shooting incident or murder of any kind....ever.
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Registered User
Forum Member
Jul 22, 2001
Port Richey, Florida
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Registered User
Forum Member
Jul 22, 2001
Port Richey, Florida
Total Sexual Offender(s)/Predator(s) Found: 60 within 2.0 miles of the address you entered

60 within 2 miles??? WTF?!?!??!?!?!?!?!?!?!!!?


el guapo
Forum Member
Jan 10, 2002
"the bunker"
a very grim thread...let me rachet it up a notch...

a classic old movie scene...

tony curtis to kirk doulgas "i love you spahtacus."......."yonda lies da tent ah mah fadda"......

love those old movies...


Registered User
Forum Member
Jun 26, 2002
Long Island, NY
yeah I just moved out of there and I can attest to what kosar is saying about people disappearing there, that was my exact intention of moving there,lol, and it worked, it is a dumping ground for people from ny,philly,boston that either cant hack it here, dont want to pay high taxes anymore, or want to bum around and make 50-70% less salary but live for a lot cheaper and disappear from the "rat race" vegas i've heard is similar for california people to go to......the sexual offender number in florida is massive, especially up by you tj, it seems every other week u hea rsomeone from pinellas or hillsborough county :shrug:
and although it has been 60 and raining the entire week i've been back in NY, it's better than 93 and a sauna though, those knuckleheads down there are paying for their nice winter right now.....but weird about the allegators, i cant think of an explanation, and talking heads dont know sh*t either about it, although the drought is true....
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