The below site is giving round by round updates ....
Round One:
Tyson launches into Lewis with a left hand jab. Lewis tries to use a heavy jab but Tyson retaliates with a great left hook. Lewis lets his guard down to let Tyson in with another left hook. Tyson seems to have done enough to win the first round.
Round Two:
Lewis is warned twice by referee Eddie Cotton for holding. Lewis lands three powerful right upper cuts on Tyson. Lewis' plan to lure in Tyson close, appears to be working in a round that the Briton almost certainly won.
Round Three:
Tyson attempts to come in close to Lewis but cannot land a punch as Lewis fends him off with a number of jabs. Lewis replies to Tyson's attempted hook by catching the American on the eye. Tyson receives treatment to a cut above the right eye.
Round Four:
Lewis takes another blow to the chin from Tyson. Lewis jabs his way through Tyson's guard as the American's face begins to swell. Tyson is pushed down on to the canvas by Lewis and the Briton has a point deducted by the referee.