What were the odds of?

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Feb 12, 2000
New Jersey
I know a lot of you could care less about Fantasy Football. I have to vent. What were the odds that I wouldn't win this week and not make the playoffs in my league when you read this(especially if you heard that the Dolphins would have scored 41 points!)?

I trailed my opponent by 11 points going into tonight. His team was done for the week. I only had Peyton Manning. We get 1 point for every 20 yards thrown, 3 points for a touchdown pass, 1 point for every 10 yards rushing, -1 for an interception. In other words, as long as Manning did not get hurt, this was easy right? If Manning threw for a lousy 240 yards with no td's or int., I win. If he threw for 1 td, all he would have needed was 180. Yada,yada, yada....He played the whole game!!!!!

I am sick to my stomach. It was the difference in winning a minimum of 500, with a chance for 2500. This is worse than any loss I have ever suffered on any game in 25 years of betting.

Thanks for listening to me cry.

Best of Luck,
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