What would you do?

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1/2 cocked
Forum Member
Nov 10, 2004
Southern California
I was walking :walk: thru the crowded Stardust recently, following an endless stream of people. I noticed a piece of paper on the ground. Just like a little kid, I kicked at it gently, only to see it slide along the ground instead of popping up in the air as I expected. I stopped, picked it up as people were knocking into me. It was an envelope, not paper. I peeked inside and noticed several bills. I quickly folded it and put it in my pocket as I shuffled along with the masses.

I felt completely conspicuous, even though I hadn't done anything wrong, knowing the cameras are everywhere :SIB . I went into the bathroom, closed the stall door and confirmed a wad of bills :shocked: . I looked for any identifing marks, but the envelop was plain white with no addresses, names, marks of any kind. I flushed the envelope and went back to my room, where I counted out over $1500.

So, you probably already know my question. Do you turn in to "lost and found" $1500+.....Do you let them know that you found some cash and ask if anyone can identify the exact amout? (it was an odd amount above $1500).....or do you pocket the cash and move on????????

What would you do?? :confused:
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Clem D

Mad Pisser
Forum Member
May 26, 2004
Long Branch NJ
Normally I say turn it in. However the owner of this cash is never going to recieve it if you turn it in.

I would cash it in for $25 dollar chips and start playing a few lucky numbers on the roulette wheel, hope to get hot and start playing some black chips on those numbers. Then Id be off to crazyhose too.
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Say Parlay
Forum Member
turn it in and get it back (maybe..)

turn it in and get it back (maybe..)

turn it in to security. Usual policy most all places is to give you a receipt for it and if no one claims it, you get it back. If it is claimed, they should give you a report on it---- and I very much doubt any major casino would make up a story so they can keep it.

if employee had found it, only then it would be casino property. I've seen employees more than a few times pick up a bill on floor and turn it in signing a little paper to report it.

So dude who lost it may be too embarassed to ask security if anyone found his money, or dude might figure it's a waste of time even calling, and you may get the cash back with a good conscience to boot! It'd be a gamble...


Registered User
Forum Member
Oct 24, 2002
i work in a casino,and if it is turned in chances are someone in security would end up telling a buddy or someone outside,and the rightfull owner would never see it. so enjoy it.


Forum Member
Jun 21, 2000
Keep it Lennie hit the nail on the head, it won't get back to who lost it and you will never see or hear about it again, Man this is vegas sin city, trust me the person in charge will find the owner ,one of his friends in a few days tops , then they would split the cash.

Pocket it and don't even think twice about it. Money can't be ID found like that, if it was in a purse or something then maybe it would be turned over to the right owner if it was anywhere but a casino in vegas. You wasting sleep over something someone would steal that you turned in.
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