Whats going on in SF???

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Forum Member
Oct 8, 2000
Shinjo fell down on a ball hit by the first batter of the game for a triple and Hernandez is pitching batting practice. Whole team looks like they had a visit from Lude Man for pre-game meal. Time to give up on this one and go to bed....
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Forum Member
Jun 21, 2000
a fat ass pitcher that gets paid in the mills. who can't keep himself in shape and crys and mopes around if one thing goes wrong then he's done for the game,has been like that his whole caree when had the ist inning mishap it was done he through a fit and showed up his of buy the way he acted and you don't do that on the field then went into his i don't give a shit game.

if things are good he loves it but a bad break and he says the hell with it i am getting paid good so f-it.

if i was one of his fielders and he pulled that shit showing me up on a mistake by acting like a puss i would beat his ass in the locker room and it has happened more then you think, then the lizard stuck it to him and hung him out to dry and gave game up in 2nd because he was still crying so he gave the game up to let fat ass take it on the chin till he got his point across,then he pulled him with 2 outs for a reason he could of let him get smacked around till he got the last out and them sent him to showers but it showed him up by pulling him with 2 outs after game was out of hand to say you show a player up i the field and i will show you up and then make you walk off mound with 2 outs so the home town fans could have their shot at your fat ass. sometimes you give a game up early to make a point just wish it was not at my expense in a few two teamers . but least he let him look like a big fool there will be words in locker room tonight after game the lizard can still beat the hell out of half his team at his age still.