Freshman in college, I was dared to BONG 1 pint of Cuervo. After bongin' quite a few beers throughout the day at our Fraternity's biggest party of the year, I decided that it probably wouldn't be that difficult. It was just a measly pint of tequila for Pete sakes. Needless to say, I did it, and it was extremely hard to swallow those last few gulps. Afterwards, I was of course "dared" again, and I, THANK GOD, DIDN'T take them up on their offer. I was still a pledge at the time, so I did the first round basically trying to impress the large crowd at our frat. house.
I really didn't feel too much until about an hour after the initial bong. My vision became really blurry, and I started sweating my ass off. Face got bright-ass red, and I had a very hard time controlling the saliva dripping down from both corners of my mouth. Needless to say, my speech became undistinguishable and couldn't finish a complete thought. I had a very bad case of scatter-brain. My date didn't seem to be impressed, and she soon left after I couldn't stand up unless I was holding on to a tree.
Next thing I remember is waking up in the basement of my fraternity house "BUT-HOLE" naked! They even took my damn socks off! I franticaly ran to the bathroom to try and find some cover and noticed that I had been "CAT-FACED" as well! I looked like a two-legged kitty cat! My dear friends also took a black permanent marker and drew an arrow pointing down to my groin area. At the end of the arrow it had the words, "Sad, huh?"
The amazing thing about the whole episode was the fact that I NEVER puked! To this day, I never found out who did it to me. Figured it would leak some day, but NO ONE ever owned up to it. I couldn't really bitch and moan that much, b/c I was the willing participant in MANY cat-faces around the house in the wee morning hours....