What's the most you have ever had to drink at once??


Forum Member
Jul 24, 2001
Ok, from reading another thread, I started thinking about this.... I'm sure some of you like to drink, so let's hear it, how much did you drink and in what time period. Also, how did you end up, I.E. puking, passed out, hospital or a combination .

I'll go first(lightweight)- 9 rolling rocks in an hour and fifteen minutes, freshman year of college. We were watching "Baseketball" and I ended up throwing up three times. Whenever I see a rolling rock I get queasy to this day.




Registered User
Forum Member
Aug 24, 1999
Freshman in college, I was dared to BONG 1 pint of Cuervo. After bongin' quite a few beers throughout the day at our Fraternity's biggest party of the year, I decided that it probably wouldn't be that difficult. It was just a measly pint of tequila for Pete sakes. Needless to say, I did it, and it was extremely hard to swallow those last few gulps. Afterwards, I was of course "dared" again, and I, THANK GOD, DIDN'T take them up on their offer. I was still a pledge at the time, so I did the first round basically trying to impress the large crowd at our frat. house.

I really didn't feel too much until about an hour after the initial bong. My vision became really blurry, and I started sweating my ass off. Face got bright-ass red, and I had a very hard time controlling the saliva dripping down from both corners of my mouth. Needless to say, my speech became undistinguishable and couldn't finish a complete thought. I had a very bad case of scatter-brain. My date didn't seem to be impressed, and she soon left after I couldn't stand up unless I was holding on to a tree.

Next thing I remember is waking up in the basement of my fraternity house "BUT-HOLE" naked! They even took my damn socks off! I franticaly ran to the bathroom to try and find some cover and noticed that I had been "CAT-FACED" as well! I looked like a two-legged kitty cat! My dear friends also took a black permanent marker and drew an arrow pointing down to my groin area. At the end of the arrow it had the words, "Sad, huh?"

The amazing thing about the whole episode was the fact that I NEVER puked! To this day, I never found out who did it to me. Figured it would leak some day, but NO ONE ever owned up to it. I couldn't really bitch and moan that much, b/c I was the willing participant in MANY cat-faces around the house in the wee morning hours....


Senior Lurker
Forum Member
Dec 7, 2001
parts unknown
it's not the quantity but the quality

it's not the quantity but the quality

another college frosh story.....

Don't know how long it took only that it didn't take very long. Downed 12-15 shots of different varieties of Schnapps in a tiny bar a block from the old Dixie brewery in N.O. Needless to say, didn't remember a thing not too long afterwards. Woke up the next day with some "stuff" on the pillow.;)
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poker brat
Forum Member
Jul 13, 1999
Fort Worth, TX
Well, my area of expertise finally! I have a few good stories from days past.... I will have to get the details straight on the main one and post it. It is the stuff legends are made of. In fact, I had a room full of lawyers come up and shake my hand after they met me and our mutual friend told them about the incident.

But a good one..
I was home on leave one summer and hangin out at the local nudie bar in the area. I knew the bartender/owner rather well and we were having a blast. I THOUGHT i was drinking Jack and Cokes. And i was... for a while. But then he starts playing the "oh its 2 for 1 for you danny boy" game. And then starts making up people that bought me drinks.... (i.e, oh that guy in the corner, he left already but said to buy you a round... and well hey its 2 for 1 for you soooo.)

Well, after a bit, I was still pounding away and having a blast with all the girls... slow nite, no one there and the girls were cool, sittin around BSing and what not.
Pretty soon everything is really freakin hazy and hard to see. Its midnite, i have 8 glasses of drinks lined up in front of me that i am still behind. All my buddies left cuz they had to work in the morning (wahhh). what would you do?

I called my mother to come and get me. She answered the phone... "ITS MIDNIGHT!"
my reply?: "I know... see you in 2 hours then"

She walked in the joint at 2 am god bless her... and there i was... taking my pants off on the stage and the girls are whistling at me. nobody in the joint but me and the girls and the owner.
my mother shti a gold brick!

I woke up the next day, didnt even open my eyes and i said to myself "I am gonna open my eyes now, and i am not going to freak out no matter where i am or who is with me"
as luck would have it, mother got me home safe and sound, pointed me to the bedroom and then took a picture as i threw up on myself and fell asleep.

Later i found out from the bartender that he stopped serving me jack and cokes long before the night was over and was just pouring me hennessey and Courvessier (sp?)

But even now, 6 years later, i can walk in that bar and all the girls and wait staff remember me!


World Traveler
Forum Member
Feb 27, 2001
i ate some mushrooms one weekend in high school at a lake party. I drank 35 meister brau's over the night and when the shrooms wore off about 530 in the morning, i have never felt like this before, i fell off the pier into the lake. Thank goodness it was only five feet deep so i didn't drown and i lived to drink another day:D


Life is Good
Forum Member
Jul 27, 2000
Makes me sick just thinking about it, but it involved chugging 8oz glasses of Manhatten's during a poker party finished off with bowling at 2am and then puking my guts out as I was carried out of the bowling alley by my friends.

This all came about by me bragging all the time to my friends that I was the only one out of the group to never puke after all our drinking binges and partying thru High School and college up till then. This happened summer break after my sophomore yr.

Boy did they get the last laugh, was sick for 3 days after:drinky: :sleep: :violin:


Forum Member
Mar 26, 2001
Fort Worth TX usa
Was at some "frat" party that a few of my Marine Corps buddies had stumbled across. We had a guy get in a fight out front so the party emptied, we stole the keg, ran out the back, found some dude leaning against a tree crying about his girlfriend leaving, so we stole his clothes and drew a big arrow on his chest pointing to his groin, got in the car, left him in the yard, naked, with a cat face. Found his babe hitchhiking the wrong way down a one way street, picked her up. Decided to go to the lakefront, finish the keg and listen for the train to go by....choo, choo...:D

yak merchant

Registered User
Forum Member
Nov 13, 2000
Oh dear lord I can't believe I telling this story. Woke up at about 7:00 and had 2 beers on the way to breakfast in Luling Texas. Drank 4 more on the way to the River. Drank 14 tall boys floating the river. Had many more at a restaurant in Gruene Texas (at which when our table left the whole restaurant stood up and applauded that we were leaving) . Then to Six street for hours and hours for shots and drinks most of them at Maggies. Then to a some frat party which we were not invited. At this point I have no recollection. However by the count of my moron friends I had 42 drinks (all day not on sixth street). But they decided I was done when I took a bottle of 151 took a giant gulp and walked into a campfire and decided to see if I could get the flames to go over my head. Next morning I woke up telling my buddy I was having a heart attack because I couldn't feel my left arm. Needless to say that was because I was sleeping in a fire ant bed. Didn't drink for months.
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Registered User
Forum Member
Nov 9, 2000
On the night Armstrong walked on the moon,I was shooting pool in a bar with a guy who was drinking Tom Collins after Tom Collins.I wasn't familiar with this drink,since in 1969 I was more of a head,then a drinker.This guy bet me $25 that he could drink more Tom Collins than me.In those days I would bet on almost anything so I was game for the bet.So we drank,& drank with someone else keeping score.I stopped at 21,& this guy kept going to 24.Add this to about the 10 he was drinking before the bet.When I put the money on the table & while he went to pickup the money,we looked at each other & threw up at the same time right on the pool table.The bottom line was that in addition to losing the $25,I had to split the cost of replacing the felt from the table.To this day I shudder when someone orders a Tom Collins.
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Registered User
Forum Member
Dec 1, 2000
Charlotte, NC, US
I think I set a new record every weekend it seems! I do remember the worst I ever felt was when I went to a going away party my friend was leaving for the Navy and had a huge party. I was really into bonging at the time and I did 10 bongs slap full of KEG beer and then did another about seven more bongs just 12 oz. each as they were out of a can along with drinking regularly and smoking some stuff;) . Needless to say I dont remember anything but found out the next day. I pretty much made and ass out of myself but I found out the reason I felt like such shit was due to the fact that bonging keg beer is dangerous cause of all the CO2 that basically gives you brain freeze. I couldnt eat for two days and said I was done drinking and that lasted 3 days:D . Oh ya there was another time I got really fuked up and drove my truck off a 40 foot cliff and almost died. Would have if I had my seatbelt on but luckily I didnt. Collapsed my lung, ruptured my spleen (sp?), broke my top three ribs in 2 places and shifted all my ribs on the right side of my spine. Didnt get a DUI either cause the police told my parents IF I survive it, they thought I probably learned my lesson. Got a DUI 2 years later :mad: I think I may drink to much!



Forum Member
Mar 26, 2001
Fort Worth TX usa
1986......Bears had won the Super Bowl that past winter..I was due to get out of Marine Corps in less than a year. Single parent of a 2 1/2 year old girl working two jobs, finally got my Mom to agree to let me have a weekend away, as she was quite upset at me having the local police remove my soon to be ex-wife from the house during Christmas dinner a mere four days after her return from the hospital at Great Lakes Naval Base. (Long story, whole family was there and all that, sucked...Kristyn was only 5 days old) Anyway, a few of the boys and I decided that we would rent a charter to go fishing for Coho, and Chinook on Lake Michigan the next day. Well, we decided late that night we would go up to Waukegan and fish off the pier and wait for the charter. (Drink all night;) , fish and get on the charter). The boat showed up and we got on and away we went after about 22 hours of solid drinking. After about two hours of nothing but Bud bass my buddy Bags, (short for seabags) had to tinkle. Captain Ron didn't want anyone pittling off the side of the boat, but into a coffee can and then dumping it over the side. Bags had the can pinched between the pointer and index fingers of his hands holding the unit with his thumbs. Well as he went, the can got heavy. Then he was whining, "C'mon you guys grab this can....c'mon ...its heavy..." eventually the can let loose and drops straight down and fountains straight up into Bags' face, who was watching the can fall. Captain Ron took us straight back to the ramp!!!!!1

Rest of the story to follow .......gets much better
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