You hear that such and such team will have to "letdown" because they beat so and so and weren't supposed to. Can bad teams let down? I don't think so. Think about it; to truly let down, you have to be good in the first place. If Arizona beats Philly on the last play of the game but gets dusted the next week was it a letdown? I would argue that Arizona isn't a very good team anyways so the loss wouldn't be unexpected. A true letdown to me would be lets say Oklahoma struggles to beat Kansas, maybe something like 23-10 (21 pt line) a week after beating
Texas in a huge game. I think bad teams can use an upset win as a stepping stone to improved performance because they gain confidence. Current form is still one of the, if not the most, important angles in handicapping.
Texas in a huge game. I think bad teams can use an upset win as a stepping stone to improved performance because they gain confidence. Current form is still one of the, if not the most, important angles in handicapping.