When the Lord made man......

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Sep 12, 2002
When the Lord made man, all the parts of the body argued over
who would be boss.

The brain explained that since he controlled all the parts of the body,
he should be boss.

The legs argued that since they took the man wherever he wanted to go,
he should be boss.

The stomach countered with the explanation that since he digested all the food,
he should be boss.

The eyes said that without them, the man would be helpless,
so they should be boss.

The a$$hole applied for the job. The other parts of the body
laughed so hard that the a$$hole became mad and closed up.

After a few days, the brain went foggy, the legs got wobbly, the stomach got ill,
the eyes got crossed and were unable to see.

They all conceded and made the a$$hole the boss.

Moral of the story:
You don?t have to be a brain to be boss?just an a$$hole!:D :D :D