Where are the Abuses??

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1/2 cocked
Forum Member
Nov 10, 2004
Southern California
I don't come into this forum very often, but I find it necessary to vent today.

I'm sick of reading in my local "fishwrap" about the congressional hearings regarding mistreatment of the poor detainees in Quantanamo. In particular, a Mohamed al-Qahtani, who is named by the govt. as the 20th hijacker associated with 911.

Sen. Levin (D-Mich), as well as the ACLU, is an outspoken critic of our militarys treatment of this individual. Al-Qahtani, through his ACLU mouthpiece, has complained that among his instances of "abusive treatment" he was:

forced to wear a bra
perform dog tricks
made to stand naked for upwards of 5 min.
massaged on the neck by a female
told by interrogators that his sister was a whore

Pleeease! Can you point out the "abuses"? I've done a few of these things....for FREE! I'm certain this has been hashed about in earlier threads, but these are "abuses" that can be seen on several college campuses annually.

These degenerate religous fanatics are far better off than where they came from-- living in mud houses, squalor, without stable food supplies, crawling around in the dirt, etc.

Listening to the incessant drivel from these scum of the Earth fanatics makes me sick. Crying for "civil rights" and Geneva convention status is laughable. Geneva Convention rules cover prisoners of war, not terrorists, hell bent on killing anyone with differing idelogical views.

I'm sorry if this repeats previous threads, but I feel bettor for venting. I tried to keep it concise, I could have gone on and on.

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Registered User
Forum Member
Nov 4, 2000
You have many good points. Our in grown problem seems to be when to say terrorist and when to say prisoners of war. Our own Pres calls its a war one day and then terror the next. And then some of the folks we have their are from Afgan and were not sure if they ever shot at our boys. For sure the ones that should be there I agree get what you need from them the same way they treat out folks. Stat cutting off body parts. But do make sure your dong it to the right ones.

dr. freeze

Forum Member
Aug 25, 2001
i like the "abuse" of giving them no A/C

as if any of these pukes has ever been in an air conditioned room before
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Registered User
Forum Member
Jul 13, 1999
Bowling Green Ky
Gitmo just tip of iceberg--add to fact the Aclu and its Alumni (no L word) want to give interpret the constitution reference to freedom of speach to include Muslims in mosques preaching the killing of of westerners--putting ways to commit terrorist act in print or on net--no prob--but don't embarrass any of these people that commit terrorist acts and make damn sure they have legal representation.

The ironic thing is those same people are the 1st to whine "whose protesting us--I don't feel any safer ect" when someone bust a cap in their communitie.

Believe this is commonly referred to as the Edward Haskell syndrome. :)
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