" Where did Magellan die"

Box and one

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Forum Member
Feb 26, 2000
Hudson Valley area.....NY
This morning on the radio I listened to two sports dj's talking about famous explorers . Columbus,Vasco De Gama,etc when they mentioned Magellan they were wrong but there was no way to correct them. But it bought back a memory of Magellan and 1968 my HS junior year in World History .. Now I have told this story here about 3 or 4 times I have been a member at MJ's since Feb 2,000 thats over 21 years ago.. a good quiz for any old timers here would know the answer to the question " where did Magellan die"? Some will read this today and then remember.. the question has come up once in jeopardy,once in trivial pursuit and once in cash cab the tv show
But the more important lesson is not where he died but " does corporal punishment work in education"?

It was my junior year in a catholic high school in White Plains NY . It was 5th period World History and Father Tobin was the teacher. His nickname was the DUCK because of the way he walked . He wore the black robe priest outfit. He waddled not walked.
The classroom was in the basement next to the cafeteria and there were heating pipes all over the ceiling. So the room was about 95 degrees no matter how cold it was outside .
Father Tobin was lecturing about the explorers and told us Magellan was the 1st to circumnavigate the world for Spain . Although Magellan died in the Philippines killed by natives he ships got back to Spain so he is credited with the 1st to circle the world.
Now sitting in the 3rd row is Jimmy B{He became a big time lawyer for the William Morris Agency in Manhattan} I am right behind him in the 4th row. Father Tobin notices Jimmy is sound asleep. So the duck waddles over to him and gives him a nudge..Jimmy wakes up pretending he was never asleep. Father Tobin asks Jimmy " what did the queen do Jimmy when Magellan got back to Spain "? Now everyone in that room except Jimmy B knew he was killed in the Philippines but Jimmy answered like he knew " " She knighted him Father "
And then Tobin standing right next to him said " And I knight thee" and with a round house slap hit Jimmy right in the face. Now me being the closet to Jimmy felt the wind of the slap as he connected. The sound could be heard in the hallway. A direct hit . Don't remember what Tobin said next but Jimmy had no idea what the real answer to that question was. I will never forget the question and answer because I felt the wind of the swing.
Jimmy all day in school was asked why is one side of your face all discolored red. He answered " the Duck hit me because I dozed off in his class" Jimmy's father was a sergeant in the PChester Police force. Jimmy told us when he got home that day his father said what happend to your one side of your face. Its all red " Jimmy told him the story and he said fall asleep again ,in class and I'll hit the other side...
So now being an educator, teacher. principal for over 39 years the question is, does Corporal punishment work " Hell yes It might be wrong and I'm not advocating for it but on that day in that basement class in world history in 1968 , I will never forget where Magellan died ..Father Tobin passed away many years ago and I can't remember one thing he ever taught me but when my family puts me in a assisted living memory facility and I have forgotten all my kids and wifes names I know if someone asks me " excuse me sir do you know where Magellan died I would say of course " the Philippines ..


Under .500
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Mar 16, 2000
On the course!
I saw a couple kids mistreated in my school years as well. Like you, I certainly remember those incidents to this day.

But, I have to say, it wasn't watching them being hit by a teacher that kept me from doing wrong, it was my upbringing.

Box and one

Registered User
Forum Member
Feb 26, 2000
Hudson Valley area.....NY
yyz It was a different time back then. Having been a principal and dealing with CPS for years I am not advocating corporal punishment. But like Jimmys father and my father the upbringing was so different. Respect back then wasn't earned . It was there no matter what.. Maybe somewhat but not on a whole. You just respected people because of your parents. When my mother found out her parish priest was involved in a homosexual scandal she was going to defend him no matter what.. Even after the allegations were true she had a hard time believing them..
I was an altar boy and to this day can repeat my latin prayers . I can't remember where I parked my car at wallmart yesterday .. But the threat of not learning your prayers in latin was enough to motivate me to know them. We had a priest Father Farvrion who would threaten you and smack you.. these guys were sick ..then you have today where you have kids with bruises and marks beaten by their parents. The father beats the mother,,the mother takes it on her kids.. We had CPS councilors at least once a week come in for investigations .. look at the Catholic church and how they knew what was going around but just kept transferring people.. its so sad..
I don't mean to take it lightly but the fear factor did make you learn. I don't think it would work today like that but back then it did. Maybe you had to live in the era.. My father never hit me. But my mom did taking a swipe here and there.. But the fear was ' her telling my father I was bad. I think he threatened me with the belt once and that was enough.
I know there are better ways to learn and the way I was brought up included the fear factor.
se libros nos a malo... deliver us from evil

mea culpa,mea cuppa mea maxima culpa forgive me,forgive forgive me big time thats for the other night going -0-4 in college hoops


Under .500
Forum Member
Mar 16, 2000
On the course!
Respect back then wasn't earned

You're right!

Today's "chest out" punks always say, "you have to earn my respect".

No. It's the opposite. You get my respect until you fuck up. Everyone should be treated well from the get go. From there, you determine the future.

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