Where's the Update???

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just wondering where the update from Coyote's thread was? Of course I wanted to boast a little, hell, mainly because I don't think I've ever been this hot in my years of gambling- also, never felt more confident about the Steelers winning it all but I'm sure most of you know that already and are tired of seeing me post it. Last time--


Hell, I don't mind if all of you jump on my ass if they loose either, I'm actually one of the very few that if I dish it out, and loose, I can handle the criticism. You gotta admit, the best defense in the playoffs "playoffs" getting 3 points, I love it--

last thing, if they had counted that INT late in the game the score probably would have looked like 24-10, which, against that O, well, they should be getting more respect, BEN should be getting more respect, but honestly, I don't think he gives a shit--

****, one more thing, Jake Plummer is gonna have to win the game, think about it

see you boyz Sunday night :)


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Dec 29, 2003
Da Ville, Ohio
I think Denver "D" is getting overlooked in this one have been solid all year. Pitt "D" relies on the pass rush getting to the QB, and if it doesn't it will be good night for this secondary. Shanahan Is a better coach than Cowher and it will show in this one.
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Shanahan is a better coach than Cowher and Denver "D" is very good, in fact, I don't know think Big Ben has ever played against Denver in his two years unless it was in the playoffs last year because I know he hasn't played them in the Regular Season. That info alone is enough to back Denver for some, or most, and if this game is a trap, I'm trapped.
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Good, Regular Season Stats on Ben
2004 - Comp. 196 Att. 295
2005 - Comp. 168 Att. 268

2004 - T.D. 17 INT's 9
2005 - T.D. 17 INT's 11

O.B rating in both is 98

I love how consistent Ben is and we've all seen what the Snake can and can't do. Now I know it's the playoffs and you can throw the book out--