Who Are The Job Creators


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Jun 18, 2002
We have heard over and over again how the wealthy of this country are the job creators. And how we can't tax them because they won't create jobs if we do.
Okay most of us know that is untrue at these tax rates. The Bush tax cuts created how many jobs?
I want to throw out for discussion that the Middle Class is the true Job Creators.
So when you tax the middle class, hold them down by breaking their unions, keep salaries low, increase health care spending.....in fact anytime you take money out of the pockets of the middle class you are hurting the economy and hurting jobs.
These Republicans, and Obama to an extent that he extended the tax credits to the rich, have it backwards. If you want to create jobs put the money back in the pocket of the middle class. To keep filling the coffers of the Untra Rich is destroying this country.

Duff Miver

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Jul 29, 2009
Right behind you
What middle class? :shrug:

The middle class are those who used to make enough money to live in reasonable comfort, get a mortgage they could pay, buy a new car once in a while, send their kids to school, take a vacation, you know - factory union employees, school teachers, civil servants.

A better way to know whether someone is middle class is to ask a simple question: Do Republicans want to sodomize you? If the answer is yes, then you're middle class.


Forum Member
Oct 3, 2005
San Francisco
The middle class are those who used to make enough money to live in reasonable comfort, get a mortgage they could pay, buy a new car once in a while, send their kids to school, take a vacation, you know - factory union employees, school teachers, civil servants.

A better way to know whether someone is middle class is to ask a simple question: Do Republicans want to sodomize you? If the answer is yes, then you're middle class.

They must have been playing the stock market, sheltering money over seas or living off the government. Not sure how people could do all the things you mentioned otherwise.


Forum Member
Aug 30, 2002
In the shadows
The middle class are those who used to make enough money to live in reasonable comfort, get a mortgage they could pay, buy a new car once in a while, send their kids to school, take a vacation, you know - factory union employees, school teachers, civil servants.

A better way to know whether someone is middle class is to ask a simple question: Do Republicans want to sodomize you? If the answer is yes, then you're middle class.

why is it that you only ref unionized workers and govt employees?

Aren't there other workers, business owners that are classified as middle class as well?

Keep in mind that my family and myself are or have been in the categories you have mentioned

Duff Miver

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Jul 29, 2009
Right behind you
why is it that you only ref unionized workers and govt employees?

Aren't there other workers, business owners that are classified as middle class as well?

Keep in mind that my family and myself are or have been in the categories you have mentioned

Sure, there are non-u and non-govt middle class.


Go Pokes!
Forum Member
Jan 5, 2003
Sure Duff. Now go get in line for your gov handout like Obama wants. No middle class but just one socialist class for all. Bring your weapon while you are at it. He wants that also. Maybe you should send that link with the thousands of jobs to the thousands of individuals standing in lines at job fairs and such all over the country shown on the world news tonight.

Duff Miver

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Jul 29, 2009
Right behind you
Sure Duff. Now go get in line for your gov handout like Obama wants. No middle class but just one socialist class for all. Bring your weapon while you are at it. He wants that also. Maybe you should send that link with the thousands of jobs to the thousands of individuals standing in lines at job fairs and such all over the country shown on the world news tonight.

There are tens of thousands of jobs available in Florida right now. If you aren't qualified for any of them, you'll just have to ask Obama to extend your unemployment bennies.


Go Pokes!
Forum Member
Jan 5, 2003
There are tens of thousands of jobs available in Florida right now. If you aren't qualified for any of them, you'll just have to ask Obama to extend your unemployment bennies.

Never have been on unemployment in my life Duff. Many of my cohorts in the consruction industry have. Very tough times here in Florida and alot of other places around the country. If you think otherwise you are just stupid or live in a freaking bubble. Obviously you don't have a clue just as our arrogant leaders in Washington. Just keep up the bullshit facade you conceited ass.


Turn it up
Forum Member
Mar 8, 2008
Mad City, WI
Sure Duff. Now go get in line for your gov handout like Obama wants. No middle class but just one socialist class for all. Bring your weapon while you are at it.
So if you're liberal, you're a gun-grabbing socialist deadbeat? Gee, that's original. :rolleyes:

No doubt, it's right out of Chapter 1 of...


The Sponge

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Aug 24, 2006
Never have been on unemployment in my life Duff. Many of my cohorts in the consruction industry have. Very tough times here in Florida and alot of other places around the country. If you think otherwise you are just stupid or live in a freaking bubble. Obviously you don't have a clue just as our arrogant leaders in Washington. Just keep up the bullshit facade you conceited ass.

These are the type of people t the country is up against. Easy pickens at the expense of people who actually know what is taking place in this country. Good grief. :facepalm: At this day and age and still falling for this nonsense


Registered User
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Mar 23, 2008
Where it is real F ing COLD
These are the type of people t the country is up against. Easy pickens at the expense of people who actually know what is taking place in this country. Good grief. :facepalm: At this day and age and still falling for this nonsense

First thing I thought of. It's about time the "they want to take our guns" people Come out of the woodwork. Really people? Soon the bible thumpers will be out to use the bible as reason to slam gay rights and then after that they will rally over anti abortion. Same old issues and never moving forward to the real issues.

Pity Really!


Go Pokes!
Forum Member
Jan 5, 2003
The gun issue was just a side bar because duff has one in his avatar. The real issue is the economy and jobs. Duff claims everything is fine. Just stupid.
Yea Sponge this is the kind of people the country is up against. Out of work and angry. And yes BP they do want more regulations on guns. Its a fact. If they could take them they would. So your point is?


Turn it up
Forum Member
Mar 8, 2008
Mad City, WI
And yes BP they do want more regulations on guns. Its a fact. If they could take them they would. So your point is?
Jaxx... There will always be politicians that are advocates of increased gun control but most are appointed officials. Elected officials know that it's political suicide in this country. Obama's too smart to go down that road. Anyone with a pulse and room temperature IQ has to know that Wayne LaPierre demonizes ANY politician that doesn't wear an NRA pin on his lapel. He did the very same thing with John McCain in 2000. He made McCain "Public Enemy #1" on the NRA hit list.

Duff Miver

Registered User
Forum Member
Jul 29, 2009
Right behind you
Wayne LaPierre's only purpose in life is to keep NRA members scared and donating money. He's cut from the same cloth as H.L. Mencken's politicians.

The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed (and hence clamorous to be led to safety) by menacing it with an endless series of hobgoblins, all of them imaginary.
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