Who do you think you are kidding?

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Forum Member
Apr 2, 2000
SW Missouri
Republicans in the House, that is. This is more of a rhetorical question than anything, but, why did they attach the monstrous oil pipeline construction legislation to the payroll tax cut legislation that both parties supposedly are for? What does this oil pipeline have to do with payroll tax cut extensions?

And they criticize dems for not wanting to help those the other part of the legislation addresses, that Obama is for, and most dems are also for, because they are not for this completely one-sided issue that they tacked on for political payback?

Sorry, I see this one as being completely a republican problem, from where I sit. Do they think Americans are stupid? Wait, don't answer that...

Maybe I'm missing something - tell me what it is?


Forum Member
Nov 16, 2001
Victory Lane

here is what Boehner said it was

the pipeline will create immediate jobs and that is why it is attached

the real reason is that the pipeline is going to put alot of money in GOP pockets and all their millionaire frends.

Its a joke how stupid they think we are.

Pass it by itself if they want it

They can never do things the right fawking way

pity really


Forum Member
Nov 16, 2001
Victory Lane
WASHINGTON ? A standoff over an expiring payroll tax cut, federal unemployment benefits and other measures escalated Tuesday as the U.S. House moved a bill to sew up several end-of-year loose ends that was rejected by the Senate and White House before it even passed.
The GOP-crafted Middle Class Tax Relief and Job Creation Act also included a measure to quickly move ahead with the controversial Keystone XL oil sands pipeline that would run from Canada to Texas.

The bill stands little chance of passage in its current form, as a party line vote of mostly Republican positions on taxes, health care and energy might indicate. The bill reduces federal unemployment benefits for 114,000 Georgians and raises Medicare premiums on possibly tens of thousands of seniors.

But both parties have expressed a desire to extend this year's payroll tax cut ? which would save the average family $1,000 next year ? to employee Social Security withholding. In addition legislators are working to extend expiring federal unemployment benefits and welfare payments, and forestall major cuts in Medicare physician payments.

The payroll tax bill, a measure to fund the government through September and a defense spending bill are the week?s principal agenda items as Congress seeks to leave town for the holidays. All require complex bills and a tightrope act in a divided government that has enacted very few laws of significance this year, and usually at the last possible moment ? approaching a government shutdown or debt default.

House Speaker John Boehner?s bill had many hotly debated components, but accomplished its aim to mostly hold the GOP caucus together. The 234-193 vote saw 14 Republicans, including Lawrenceville Rep. Rob Woodall, cross the aisle to vote no, and 10 Democrats, including Savannah Rep. John Barrow, buck their party to vote yes.

The party lines held for the remaining Georgia members. Republicans Tom Price of Roswell, Phil Gingrey of Marietta, Lynn Westmoreland of Coweta County, Paul Broun of Athens, Tom Graves of Ranger, Austin Scott of Tifton and Jack Kingston of Savannah all backed the bill. Democrats John Lewis of Atlanta, David Scott of Atlanta, Hank Johnson of DeKalb County and Sanford Bishop of Albany voted against the measure.

The key for Graves, one of the most conservative members in the House and one who often votes against GOP leaders, was the fact that the new spending was offset with cuts elsewhere. The bill freezes federal salaries and reduces Medicare benefits to high-income seniors, among other savings.

?Last year I did not support some of these components, and the reason was the Democrats at that point chose not to find ways to shrink the size of government to offset the expense of these things,? Graves said.

The most controversial piece of the bill was a provision forcing the State Department to make a swift decision on approving the Keystone XL oil pipeline from Canada, a determination President Barack Obama had put off until after next year?s election. Combined with a section rolling back Environmental Protection Agency regulations on industrial boilers, Republicans said the intent was to create jobs, while environmental groups and many Democrats cried foul.

?It creates tens of thousands of jobs, if not more,? House Majority Leader Eric Cantor said at a news conference.

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, in a floor speech, trashed the bill by calling it a ?pointless partisan exercise? that is ?dead on arrival? in the Senate. Reid reportedly is holding up the government funding bill -- with a potential shutdown looming Friday as appropriations expire -- until a payroll tax deal is struck

Follow the money

Tell us who would become very wealthy if this pipeline goes through

I dont know but I would like to.

That would tell the fawking story
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Forum Member
Apr 2, 2000
SW Missouri
I know what Boehner and other republicans are saying about the immediate impact of this pipeline. It's about job creation. Yeah... this gets back to my initial thread headline...

Of course it would create jobs. Lots of things will create jobs. This project will not create permanent jobs, far from it. It will create temporary jobs, which is fine. I get that. But so would the infrastructure jobs that dems and Obama have asked for that will also do wonders for our country and are drastically needed to prevent serious problems for national, state, and local communities moving forward.

The one place republicans stake their reputations on in job creation is an oil pipeline? And they attach it to a bill that has nothing to do with it?


Forum Member
Nov 16, 2001
Victory Lane
The one place republicans stake their reputations on in job creation is an oil pipeline? And they attach it to a bill that has nothing to do with it?



its the best chance to pass it

the most underhanded way

but the best way

they are some twisted sick flickers and it never stops


Forum Member
Apr 2, 2000
SW Missouri
Before people jump on my comment - yes, this will create some long-term jobs... the oil companies will need people to work on the pipeline and keep the oil flowing. I understand the value of this oil to our country, as well. Just like green projects help our country in the long run. But to tie it to something completely unrelated to the subject and blame democrats for balking at it is ludicrous.
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Turn it up
Forum Member
Mar 8, 2008
Mad City, WI
I know what Boehner and other republicans are saying about the immediate impact of this pipeline. It's about job creation.
Yet another illustration of the hypocrisy of Boehner & Co. If they're defense or oil industry jobs that make their rich donors, backers and cronies richer, then it's all about jobs. If they're green jobs or jobs created to rebuild our crumbling infrastructure, then it's all about spending.
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Forum Member
Apr 2, 2000
SW Missouri
I guess the only conservative that cared to join in this discussion was Skulnik, and I can't see his posts (thankfully). So, I guess there must not be too much I'm missing on this one...
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Truth Teller
Forum Member
Mar 30, 2007
Jefferson City, Missouri
I guess the only conservative that cared to join in this discussion was Skulnik, and I can't see his posts (thankfully). So, I guess there must not be too much I'm missing on this one...

You're a Political COWARD if you're SCARED of reading my posts or watching your FALSE HEREOS on YoUtUbE, in their own words.


Prepare for jumps.

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Truth Teller
Forum Member
Mar 30, 2007
Jefferson City, Missouri
no Ronnie just said that Obama wants to tax the rich millionaires and he is against that totally

He's looking, don't hold his little PANTIES for him.


Your Pal, Ronnie

Prepare for jumps.




Republicans in the House, that is. This is more of a rhetorical question than anything, but, why did they attach the monstrous oil pipeline construction legislation to the payroll tax cut legislation that both parties supposedly are for? What does this oil pipeline have to do with payroll tax cut extensions?

And they criticize dems for not wanting to help those the other part of the legislation addresses, that Obama is for, and most dems are also for, because they are not for this completely one-sided issue that they tacked on for political payback?

Sorry, I see this one as being completely a republican problem, from where I sit. Do they think Americans are stupid? Wait, don't answer that...

Maybe I'm missing something - tell me what it is?

Very Simple..Two Words
Executive Order. .Because that Scumbag Obama just uses the end around and the EPA to Ram through his agenda to stop any exploration or production of our fuel resources to further weaken the Corporations and bring everything under government control. .
It's all about Fundamental Change aka Socialism!!
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Forum Member
Aug 30, 2002
In the shadows

I am flumoxed as well as to why the Repugnicans are trying to attach the pipeline to the tax extension.

Pondering on the issues some and speaking to someone who is VERY HIGH UP in a union, who had to deal with the dip dunk Occupy shit heads in Ports this week.

His thoughts a well as mine is that they want the "Wolves to eat each other" Hoping that by attaching the pipeline issue, pissing off the unemployed and unions, it will get these two groups to canabalize each other or shifting the Unions over to the repugnican side?

Back to the Occupy Ports ! :mj07:

My Uncle, Full Blooded Sicilian was a Stevedore on the docks of the Port of Portland. Can you imagine how the Occupiers would have been dealt with 30 years ago?

The Port protest was just stupid ! 2.2 mil lost in wages, so these dopes were fucking part of the "99%"