Quick story about ryson.......
First of all imagine a shorter version of Wally Szczerbiak with a deep, raspy voice and all geeked up like he was on speed. Throw into the mix about 10 Bud Lights and him going to watch his favorite team (Giants) in Enron Field and you have your typical loud obnoxious fan that drove everyone around us nuts!
I didn't mind though, nor did our other friends who were with us...in fact, we thought it was fuhking hilarious. His favorite player, Barry Bonds, is right next to us off the left field line. So, throughout the entire game, all anyone could hear was this loud white dude chanting "Barry! Barry!". Needless to say, the Stros were getting beat up pretty good and the place was kind of quiet so it was impossible not to hear him. Jose Lima was the starter for the Stros that night and he got on him pretty good also. I'll never forget, he kept yelling "Casa Ole' hey!" which, if anyone here is from Houston, would know that he owns a popular restaurant with that being his motto.
We had people telling him to shut the hell up, others throwing peanuts (almost had to scrap over that), even my ears were ringing a little. The crowd had the last laugh though and there only chance to even the score with the heckler. In between innings, they have this guy that walks around with a basketball goal on top of his shoulders and another girl who throws fans a miniature basketball in order to take a shot at the goal (mainly for the kids) to kind of bring some excitement to the crowd and get everyone pumped up. Well, I don't know how he managed to get the ball but he was about 5 feet from the goal and put up an airball and the crowd just went nuts! Here was his chance to shine and put a nail in the coffin on a complete kick ass night and he wiffs it.
Being the good sport that he is though, he kindly turned to the crowd and bowed and everyone started clapping. I think he actually won the crowd over and it definitely helped his chances of getting out of their safely.
Thanks for the entertainment Rod! We absolutely have to do it again!