I personally don't give a crap about celebrities, sport, movie, entertainment or biz......and I'd be happy to tell any and most that they have done NOTHING very impressive.....hit a ball over a wall...big deal.....Put a ball through a hoop better than anyone, sell CDs...dont think so.. MY HEROES......Several worthy types come to my mind.... 1. The doctor that cured my wife of a BAD bladder cancer.......better yet ALL GOOD DOCTORS who give back life on a daily basis.PERIOD!(ya musta been there to appreciate) To all the good cops and firemen who lay it all on the line for little pay or respect. AMEN! To guys like Tom Monahan...Last I heard this orphan who made the BIG$ with Dominos Pizza ,owner of the Det. Tigers was selling all and systematically giving it all away.to charities, orphans and needy. Whatya think? Do we idolize the wrong people????Who is your hero?