Who moves/makes the line?

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Registered User
Forum Member
Oct 5, 2002
This is a 2 or 3 part question. It is my understanding that when a line is made it is made with the idea of attracting equal $$ on both sides of the line. With this in mind is the line set with the fan in mind who bets on "his" team or is the line set with the handicapper in mind: someone who will set aside personal preferences.

If the line is set for the former (the fan) then logic would dictate that the teams with fewer fans would be the better bet.

I think I read that during the early part of all seasons the line goes against the prior years champs/conterders.

Any thoughts would be appreciated.



Registered User
Forum Member
Mar 27, 2003
I believe in most cases the sportsbooks set the line in an attempt to get an equal amount of money wagered on each side of the game. The sportsbooks will consider both the fan and the handicappers in setting the line. Teams with huge fan bases may obtain more wagers from their fans but the handicappers will take the other side if the line gets out of balance.

I also read in football wagering that the underdog covers slightly more than the favorite because the public often doesn't want to play the bad teams.

The biggest thing that moves a line is too much money on one side. The books will adjust the line against the team with too much money to attract money on the other side. Injuries or weather changes can also move a line.