Who receives majority of public aid dollars? Some of you might be surprised.

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Forum Member
Apr 2, 2000
SW Missouri
This might be educational for some around here - while I know it's not a Youtube video, maybe a couple people might actually take the time to become more aware of reality with this revelation:

The entire article can be read here - there are more details, if you like.


Who gets welfare? Despite prevailing stereotype, whites, not blacks, collect greatest share of public aid dollars
Ebony, Dec, 1992

Despite prevailing stereotype, Whites, not Blacks, collect greatest share of public aid dollars

SAY the word "welfare" and immediately the image of the lazy Black wellare queen who breeds for profit surfaces in the minds of those who have come to believe the hideous stereotype. It is a myth that persists despite government figures and authoritative studies showing that Whites overwhelmingly reap the lion's share of the dole.

The image of the Black "welfare cheat," public aid advocates say, is based on misconceptions about poor minorities. The notion, they say, comes from society's resentment of seemingly ablebodied people getting paid for doing nothing.

"For some people, there is a need to believe that there are professional welfare recipients who are deliberately trying to get not only what they need to survive, but more," says Anne D. Hill, director of programs for the National Urban League. "People say to themselves: 'I work. How come this person who appears to be healthy isn't working?' We tend to equate our condition with others without fully knowing their circumstances."

Hill and other welfare supporters argue that numbers, and not erroneous stereotypes, tell the real story about public assistance clients: Some 61 percent of welfare recipients are White, while 33 percent are Black, according to 1990 Census Bureau statistics, the latest figures available.

The federal government defines welfare as all entitlement programs funded through taxes. These programs, listed as "direct benefit payments for individuals" by the Office of Management and Budget, make up $730 billion or 43 percent of the $1.47 trillion the government will spend this fiscal year.

Social Security is the nation's largest welfare program, although many Whites prefer to call it a retirement plan. The government writes retirement and disability benefit checks to 35.4 million recipients of whom 88.7 percent are White and 9.6 percent are Black. The reason behind this shocking disparity is perhaps the most lamentable of all: The life expectancy rate for Blacks is six years shorter than that of Whites, meaning Black workers spend years paying into a retirement system only to have White retirees reap the benefits for a longer time.

Welfare critics rarely search the Social Security rolls for "welfare cheats," but train their sights on people getting Aid to Families with Dependent Children (AFDC), Medicaid and food stamps, the relief programs with the most Black clients. Yet government figures show that Whites not Blacks make up the bulk of clients on these public aid programs; a fact that dispels the notion that Blacks are scheming for a free lunch courtesy of the American taxpayer.

Among the poorest of the poor--single mothers, living below the poverty line with minor children to support 39.7 percent of AFDC clients are Black single mothers and 38.1 percent are White women with children. Food stamp recipients are 37.2 percent Black and 46.2 percent White. Medicaid benefits are paid to 27.5 percent Black recipients compared to 48.5 percent White clients.

Although the numbers show that Whites get the biggest chunk of public aid dollars, welfare critics still charge that Blacks shouldn't collect 33 percent of welfare benefits when they only make up 12 percent of the general population. They say the imbalance proves their case that Blacks are too busy complaining and blaming racism for their plight to look for a job.

But racism is at the heart of the standard-of-living gap between Blacks and Whites, welfare advocates argue. Unlawful race-based hiring practices, they contend, keep Blacks from getting jobs that pay enough to lift them out of poverty. Until more blue-collar jobs open up to Black workers, Blacks will continue to battle poverty and the freeloader misconception.

"Public and congressional deliberations over... welfare reform in the last few years have been fueled by distortions and outright falsehoods about poverty," the National Urban League asserted in its 1988 report, Black Americans and Public Policy. "Welfare reform is not solely a Black issue, but one in need of immediate attention."

Turning welfare reform into a "Black issue" makes racial scapegoating easy and allows stereotypes, like the Reaganera "welfare queen," to go unchallenged, public aid supporters say. Rightwing reformers cast Whites as "deserving" clients who are legitimately unable to pay their own way through no fault of their own. Blacks are labeled "undeserving" recipients who are looking for the feds to subsidize their slothfulness.

Attaching a moral value to work is not a new convention; it is a philosophy deeply rooted in the religious beliefs and social welfare laws that Anglo-Saxon settlers brought to the New World. These values were imposed upon poor immigrants from other European countries who later perpetuated them after moving into mainstream society.

There's a lot more in this story, link is above...


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Aug 30, 2002
In the shadows
I like pie

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Registered User
Forum Member
Jul 13, 1999
Bowling Green Ky
This might be educational for some around here - while I know it's not a Youtube video, maybe a couple people might actually take the time to become more aware of reality with this revelation:

The entire article can be read here - there are more details, if you like.


Who gets welfare? Despite prevailing stereotype, whites, not blacks, collect greatest share of public aid dollars
Ebony, Dec, 1992

Despite prevailing stereotype, Whites, not Blacks, collect greatest share of public aid dollars

SAY the word "welfare" and immediately the image of the lazy Black wellare queen who breeds for profit surfaces in the minds of those who have come to believe the hideous stereotype. It is a myth that persists despite government figures and authoritative studies showing that Whites overwhelmingly reap the lion's share of the dole.

The image of the Black "welfare cheat," public aid advocates say, is based on misconceptions about poor minorities. The notion, they say, comes from society's resentment of seemingly ablebodied people getting paid for doing nothing.

"For some people, there is a need to believe that there are professional welfare recipients who are deliberately trying to get not only what they need to survive, but more," says Anne D. Hill, director of programs for the National Urban League. "People say to themselves: 'I work. How come this person who appears to be healthy isn't working?' We tend to equate our condition with others without fully knowing their circumstances."

Hill and other welfare supporters argue that numbers, and not erroneous stereotypes, tell the real story about public assistance clients: Some 61 percent of welfare recipients are White, while 33 percent are Black, according to 1990 Census Bureau statistics, the latest figures available.

The federal government defines welfare as all entitlement programs funded through taxes. These programs, listed as "direct benefit payments for individuals" by the Office of Management and Budget, make up $730 billion or 43 percent of the $1.47 trillion the government will spend this fiscal year.

Social Security is the nation's largest welfare program, although many Whites prefer to call it a retirement plan. The government writes retirement and disability benefit checks to 35.4 million recipients of whom 88.7 percent are White and 9.6 percent are Black. The reason behind this shocking disparity is perhaps the most lamentable of all: The life expectancy rate for Blacks is six years shorter than that of Whites, meaning Black workers spend years paying into a retirement system only to have White retirees reap the benefits for a longer time.

Welfare critics rarely search the Social Security rolls for "welfare cheats," but train their sights on people getting Aid to Families with Dependent Children (AFDC), Medicaid and food stamps, the relief programs with the most Black clients. Yet government figures show that Whites not Blacks make up the bulk of clients on these public aid programs; a fact that dispels the notion that Blacks are scheming for a free lunch courtesy of the American taxpayer.

Among the poorest of the poor--single mothers, living below the poverty line with minor children to support 39.7 percent of AFDC clients are Black single mothers and 38.1 percent are White women with children. Food stamp recipients are 37.2 percent Black and 46.2 percent White. Medicaid benefits are paid to 27.5 percent Black recipients compared to 48.5 percent White clients.

Although the numbers show that Whites get the biggest chunk of public aid dollars, welfare critics still charge that Blacks shouldn't collect 33 percent of welfare benefits when they only make up 12 percent of the general population. They say the imbalance proves their case that Blacks are too busy complaining and blaming racism for their plight to look for a job.

But racism is at the heart of the standard-of-living gap between Blacks and Whites, welfare advocates argue. Unlawful race-based hiring practices, they contend, keep Blacks from getting jobs that pay enough to lift them out of poverty. Until more blue-collar jobs open up to Black workers, Blacks will continue to battle poverty and the freeloader misconception.

"Public and congressional deliberations over... welfare reform in the last few years have been fueled by distortions and outright falsehoods about poverty," the National Urban League asserted in its 1988 report, Black Americans and Public Policy. "Welfare reform is not solely a Black issue, but one in need of immediate attention."

Turning welfare reform into a "Black issue" makes racial scapegoating easy and allows stereotypes, like the Reaganera "welfare queen," to go unchallenged, public aid supporters say. Rightwing reformers cast Whites as "deserving" clients who are legitimately unable to pay their own way through no fault of their own. Blacks are labeled "undeserving" recipients who are looking for the feds to subsidize their slothfulness.

Attaching a moral value to work is not a new convention; it is a philosophy deeply rooted in the religious beliefs and social welfare laws that Anglo-Saxon settlers brought to the New World. These values were imposed upon poor immigrants from other European countries who later perpetuated them after moving into mainstream society.

There's a lot more in this story, link is above...

Well Chad I got to highlighted paragraph and quit.

Per article Whites receiving 61% blacks 33%

What extremely relevant info was omitted to make any correlation.
% of polulation that are -
A:-Black 12%
B: White 69.1

My Jethro Bodine 6th grade cyphering had me going-- "Lets see we got 69% drawing 61% and 12% drawing 33% DUH What Da Fck??--oh I see they are trolling for liberals who will absolutely bite on anything.
My tip for today--while attending college--take a few math and logic courses--and not so much liberal arts--:)

--until next time
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Forum Member
Apr 2, 2000
SW Missouri
Ok, Mr. Math (Wayne), please tell me what my point in posting the article was, since apparently you claim an original post here was irrelevant to something else.

Let me save you some time. I was posting this, because I honestly don't think many people in this country think of white people much at all when it comes to aid dollars. I'm guessing that many people think there is a bigger number of blacks and minorities than the article showed.

So, Mr. Relevant, why don't you stick to your own charts and graphs, and not try to tell me what my point SHOULD be all the time? Of course, that is a very conservative outlook, I realize, and you're just sticking to the playbook...


Forum Member
Apr 2, 2000
SW Missouri
A reminder, my initial paragraph said who receives the majority share of aid dollars. Is that comment answered by saying black people?

Get back to me when you get that one figured out, okay, Jethro, and tell me if my post was wrong?
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Registered User
Forum Member
Jul 13, 1999
Bowling Green Ky
Ok, Mr. Math (Wayne), please tell me what my point in posting the article was, since apparently you claim an original post here was irrelevant to something else.

Let me save you some time. I was posting this, because I honestly don't think many people in this country think of white people much at all when it comes to aid dollars. I'm guessing that many people think there is a bigger number of blacks and minorities than the article showed.

So, Mr. Relevant, why don't you stick to your own charts and graphs, and not try to tell me what my point SHOULD be all the time? Of course, that is a very conservative outlook, I realize, and you're just sticking to the playbook...

Just trying point out the obvious-to keep everyone from getting conned/grifted on liberal math.

Wonder how many Ebony magazine got to bite on their article-especially college grads.:tongue


Registered User
Forum Member
Jul 13, 1999
Bowling Green Ky
A reminder, my initial paragraph said who receives the majority share of aid dollars. Is that comment answered by saying black people?

Get back to me when you get that one figured out, okay, Jethro, and tell me if my post was wrong?

Your absoluely correct--and if you want to discount % of people involved

I'll put in a word to Obama for you.
You have just figured how to reverse -
--incarceration rates
-poverty rates
-illigitimacy rates
-drop out rates

of the african american
--maybe a pulizer there--
Hey-- Gore got one for same thing :shrug:

Trampled Underfoot

Forum Member
Feb 26, 2001


Forum Member
Apr 2, 2000
SW Missouri
Your absoluely correct--and if you want to discount % of people involved

I'll put in a word to Obama for you.
You have just figured how to reverse -
--incarceration rates
-poverty rates
-illigitimacy rates
-drop out rates

of the african american
--maybe a pulizer there--
Hey-- Gore got one for same thing :shrug:

Thanks for acknowledging that my post and reason for posting was correct. I wasn't attempting to skew or say anything other than something I don't think is obvious to many people. Of course, that's an opportunity to bring in other subjects and thoughts that more suit your outlook on things, which is a different point.

As you mention those points, and the higher percentage of blacks in the numbers, what percentage of blacks compared to whites start out with fewer real options and advantages to get ahead in life? What percentage of whites, compared to blacks, have had their opportunities blocked and prevented by members of the other skin color in the history of this country?

There are plenty of reasons why the numbers are the way they are, and blacks are not completely to blame for all of them. Quite the contrary, considering where each person in this country enters the starting blocks for their "race."

Again, not my original point, but addresses your subject change. My points don't fit your argument, of course, but help explain another way to look at your argument. Far more difficult to quantify, of course, but still valid points.

One thing I will say, is that I had hoped to hear more from Obama on plans on addressing the issues you mention. He does talk of responsibility for these things, which is unique from the black perspective in recent years. More action would be welcome. Of course, he'll get no appreciation in that regard from you or others here, I know that. But that doesn't change what he's said, which is different from many others. (Insert your next rip and argument here...)
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Registered User
Forum Member
Jul 13, 1999
Bowling Green Ky
Thanks for acknowledging that my post and reason for posting was correct. I wasn't attempting to skew or say anything other than something I don't think is obvious to many people. Of course, that's an opportunity to bring in other subjects and thoughts that more suit your outlook on things, which is a different point.

As you mention those points, and the higher percentage of blacks in the numbers, what percentage of blacks compared to whites start out with fewer real options and advantages to get ahead in life? What percentage of whites, compared to blacks, have had their opportunities blocked and prevented by members of the other skin color in the history of this country?

There are plenty of reasons why the numbers are the way they are, and blacks are not completely to blame for all of them. Quite the contrary, considering where each person in this country enters the starting blocks for their "race."

Again, not my original point, but addresses your subject change. My points don't fit your argument, of course, but help explain another way to look at your argument. Far more difficult to quantify, of course, but still valid points.

One thing I will say, is that I had hoped to hear more from Obama on plans on addressing the issues you mention. He does talk of responsibility for these things, which is unique from the black perspective in recent years. More action would be welcome. Of course, he'll get no appreciation in that regard from you or others here, I know that. But that doesn't change what he's said, which is different from many others. (Insert your next rip and argument here...)

I think we can find common ground on one issue here Chad.

That being -all people are equally quilty regardless of the proportions.



Forum Member
Apr 2, 2000
SW Missouri
I think we can find common ground on one issue here Chad.

That being -all people are equally quilty regardless of the proportions.


I am ready to move on to the next argument, for sure. I think I have beaten this horse to death again...but

What exactly do you mean: all people are equally guilty regardless of the proportions?