I watched the movie last night and was just sitting around thinking today.............WOW! Man could you imagine the hype involved with being that big and then taking the fall for a bunch of damn singing birds! If I was Sillman I would get out of jail and go beat down all my buddies that rolled on me! Man the code of the street just goes unsaid that you never ever ever Roll on a buddy! I would go to a Turkish Prison First!
Unloyal Pricks!
I guess too this would have been a good idea if the GREED had not came into play! Hey Monk you know any sports figures we can holla at? Bama6895 how bout you? Just Kidding guys, I might be a dipstick most days...............but I'm an honest dipstick!
BTW.......the real Benny Sillman had one Jacked up looking nose after the old fat man clubbed him like a seal a few times!
Unloyal Pricks!
I guess too this would have been a good idea if the GREED had not came into play! Hey Monk you know any sports figures we can holla at? Bama6895 how bout you? Just Kidding guys, I might be a dipstick most days...............but I'm an honest dipstick!
BTW.......the real Benny Sillman had one Jacked up looking nose after the old fat man clubbed him like a seal a few times!