Who Wins the NBA's Eastern Conference

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Dec 6, 2001
Las Vegas
Barring injuries of course, who in your opinion wins the east.....heres the current odds....

Bucks 3-1
Nets 5-1
76ers 7-1
Celts 8-1
Indy 10-1
Tor 11-2
Wiz 12-1
Cha 25-1

I think and still think that the bucks are ready to take the next step most teams have that year where they almost get there and then they get over the hump. I think since milwaukee has had injuries and played all there west road games already they will have the #1 seed and i think that will be the difference this year.
If your looking for value, hornets are a steal at 25-1, keep in mind when they get mashburn and lynch back how much better on both ends theyll be, they have playoff experince and some of the guys that wouldnt of played a lot are getting experience right now they wouldnt of gotten if they were healthy. Also, having two key players that will be well rested come playoff time is always a help in mash and lynch.


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Jan 7, 2002
Good insight, dnuggs.

I know one thing; I will certainly fade the 6ers. I did not like what I saw last night and I do not think they can compete against teams like Milw or even NJ.

Do you?


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Oct 9, 2001
dnugs......the Nets have found some team chemistry with Kidd.

While the 6'ers (as polecat indicated) are stink'n it up. They have totally lost the team chemistry they had last year.

If Aaron Williams can "hit" some FTs when he's in the game of NJ.......the Nets have a great chance. On Tuesday night against the Heat he went 3 outa 10 at the line.

I took out a prop play at season's begining on the Nets over 36' wins.........they're at 22 already and look'n like 23 could happen tonight.

Gotta like the Nets to be in the mix! ez
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Jan 7, 2002
the man

the man

hey dnuggs hope your absence tonight is just a break or something and you're okay.

heaven forbid you might have a life and not be able to hang out at jacks every night!!!

all the best to you



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Apr 29, 2000
If the Pacers get Tinsley to play like a vet and Rose gets his head out of the funk he's in,they have a chance especially with the way O'neal and Harrington are playing.
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May 26, 2000
i'm not counting Wash out. What Collins and Jordan have done with that group is nothing short of amazing, especially after the start they got off to and having Hamilton hurt about the time they got rolling. Next to Mil (7-1) they have the best divisional record in the east at 9-3. In my opinion, the Atlantic is a lot tougher than the Central. Only 2 teams in the east have less loses than Wash even with their terrible start. NJ with 11 and Mil with 13. They are tied with Bos at 14. Here's the kicker, since Dec 1, they have been the best team in the east, going 13 and 4 while NJ is 13-6 and Mil 11-9. Wash and NJ are the only teams in the east with a winning road record. I don't see much room for NJ or Mil to get much better but Wash will just keep getting better the more they play. They are now winning even if Jordan is off and when Hamilton gets healthy they will be that much better. They also have a wins against all but 4 teams in the east. Det, Clev , Ind and Mil. Most of the losses were in Nov before they got rolling. Tomarrow should give us an idea how far they have come.


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Dec 6, 2001
Las Vegas
Couple things, ez, nets have NO CHANCE. Thats right i said NO CHANCE, why am i so confident, name the last playoff team with no playoff exp. that really made a run at either conference title i cant remember 1. The only guy with any real playoff exp. is kidd and hes is all failure, and the one year a kidd team did get out of round 1 he was hurt and had almost nothing to do with it.

Also, for anyone who watches the nets sees that if they dont fastbreak they REALLY struggle to score, there are not a good halfcourt team and thats what the playoffs are. Also the bucks are done with there west games and barring a major injury will be the #1 seed out east. Keep in mind, the bucks have had a tough schedule lots of injuries not just the key ones lots of little ones too to guys like ham, caffey and such. The hornets would be a play for me if they werent a lame duck team, but the fans might revolt and not even show up for playoff games knowing there team is gone that explains the 25-1.

And as much money as ive made off washington, they have almost no playoff exp. as well, and they have no real post up game outside of jordan and unless you have 5 or 6 shooters like milwaukee thats really tough to overcome during the playoffs.

Any other thoughts....i put this up because im planning on making a large bet on the bucks just wanted to see if there was any diff. points of view out there first....
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May 26, 2000
Jordan and Lue both have rings. Outside of Cassel who has a ring on Mil's team. Just funnin' you:D
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Dec 6, 2001
Las Vegas
lol, yeah lue did a great job holding on to ai, thing is if the team doesnt have exp your dead, not one or two players although i know you were being sarcastic. Also, milwaukee fits the mold, usually a team knocks on the door a year or two in a row then takes that next step with its key players still around. It happened with the pistons, utah, chicago, ny, indy, philly, houston, orl and the lakers just to name a few recently. Usually a team gets real close, makes a few minor changes, and takes the next step, thats the exact mold that made me money taking philly last year and the same mold i see milwaukee in this year.


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Oct 9, 2001

I see where your driving to with this vine. Also, I agree with you.... and I would not put $ on the Nets to take the East either.

If they can just win 37 games they've made me some $.

No, I would not turn around and put those winnings back on them to WIN the east......that I can assure you. But....they have come a long way from this time a year ago.

People love "Cinderella stories" but the Nets turn into a pumpkin before they win the East this year. ez


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May 26, 2000
Until Mil learns to play as a team when the are behind, they'll never get over the hump.

NJ can be outsmarted and can't handle adversity.

If Wash can play over 500 ball in Jan they will be my pick for the east.

Orl without Hill won't get there.

Bos is one player and a leader away.

Phil is still dangerous and I still say the Mutumbo trade was not what they needed.

Don't forget Ind. They have all the ingrediants and if they can get it together by play-offs could be the sleeper.

Nobody is talking about the coaching in the play-offs. The coach that can command enough respect that the players will listen will win the tough games. There's only two that will be in the play-offs in the east that will be in that position, the Collins-Jordan team and Larry Brown (if they get there). At 12-1 Wash is worth a shot. And remember, Chicago never had a dominate big man when Jordan won all those titles
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Nov 8, 2001
I wouldn't bet a dime AGAINST jordan and the wizards. Jordan is the real deal and the Wiz do have a chance to win the east simply because it's not that tough and they have the J factor, His Airness