Why are the posts being censored just because a place doesnt advertise here?

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Jun 12, 2002
I have tried to tell everyone about a new type of sports betting, i am not advertising it i have no representation at this place. It is truly revolutionary, but It appears that if they dont advertise here, we are not allowed to talk about it. I dont think this is appropriate.

Please explain how a new type of sports betting, just because everyone will go do it is unfair to paying advertisers. The fact that the readers of these forums would immediately begin using this new place should not stop it from being censored out. You have a responsibility to allow the forum readers to discuss all things about sports gambling, yet you are censoring out anything that isnt advertised here?

That is simply unconstitutional. Freedom of speech and all that. I love these forums, and I understand the need to make money, but that should not stop the readers from discussing new things and places that come out just because they dont advertise here.

I would like some discussion on the fact that a new betting opportunity has been developed that would save these readers thousands of dollars per year, and we cannot talk about it just because they dont advertise here.

Nolan Dalla

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Sep 7, 2000
Washington, DC/Las Vegas, NV

I think I can speak for many people here when we say we are always open to listening to new ideas and learning about new opportunities in the sports gambling market. However, there are two points that you should consider in response to your two posts on this subject.

(1) MadJackSports is a "free" website. That's right -- free. It doesn't cost you a penny. There are few, if any websites which offer the depth and quality of analysis, not to mention the talent pool of handicappers than this site. Sure, I'm biased. But after coattailing 3-4 people here the last month and winning about $5 G s, you show me another site that's generating those numbers. Nevertheless, because it is FREE to do does not mean it is free to operate. Jack puts a great mount of time, energy, and money into keeping this site up each month. All he asks is that we support those advertisers who support MadJackSports and what we are doing here, which is the charing of sports gmabling related information. To those who do not advertise here, I say boycott them and ban them. If they are not into supporting and expanding the market through adverstising and other means, then they certainly are not entitled to any free favors from this website.

(2) Second, and perhaps more important -- the system you are describing has no intrinsic EV (expected value) in terms of long term profit. Sure, it might be an interesting option to take a small profit and/or cut your losses on a game by selling off the ticket early. But, your betting system in conjunction with picking the other side of a game with a different website has no benefit. Unless you are a soothesayer and can tell in the middle of a game that the bullpen is going to blow a lead, or you can predict weather which might influence a total (say rain starts in the 7th which brings the 9 inning complete game into quesiton) there is nothing to be gained EV wise by opening up a new account at a strange sportsbook somewhere, and praying you get paid (perhaps this is overstaing the case, but if the book is not one of the majors and does not adverstise, I'd be wary they are another Rhino outfit.). Now, that's gambling.

In cloisng, your ideas and contributions are welcome here and I don't mean to rain on your parade. But you should be made aware why there are rules here and re-consider the prospect of selling off tickets mid-game and the profitability thereof.

PS -- One afterthought. Let's say you bet the Texas Rangers who's bullpen woes are legendary. The Rangers are up 3-1 in the 6th. Do you sell off your ticker? This is a reasonable scenario where one might think there is value in such a system. However, the real question is -- since you KNOW the Rangers bullpen problems well in advance why would you have bet the Rangers in the first place? Second, if the Rangers are ahead by 2-runs, why woudl you throw away ~50 percent in profit (assming Rangers win) by selling off what appears to be a wining ticket. Anytime I have a two-run lead, I'll take my chances. So, where is the value?

Nolan Dalla
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Jul 13, 1999

gimme a break!

you were taking that opportunity to shill for that book and even placed a special link for you to receive bonus rewards from people who signed up from clicking on your link.

you can set up your little money making opportunity on madjacks when you start pitching in with the bills around here.
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