Optomist or pessimist--opinion or fact
Yep gas prices up--can't say much about that.
"stock market actually down from last year"
Hmm Dow finished a peck off--NASDAQ up--S&P up
and considering oil at all time high and greatest diasters in history--I'll take it.
"new home sales way down"
Kinda like comparing player who score all time high of 80 points in a game and scores 50 the next
NEW YORK (CNNMoney.com) - New home sales posted a surprising jump in October to the highest rate on record.
---and don't forget home ownership is at all time high also.
"health care through the roof and out of control."
show us the last year it actually receded????
the way I see it---Gas prices pain in ass--maybe Dems can get out and tell their troops to vote for building new refineries or drill in ANWAR next time around--Market good (not great year) considering all factors--Homes sales--and home ownership--who could argue with facts of all time records on both,except Stevie---health care- same shit different admin.