Why are we not allowed to tell the forum readers about a new type of sports betting?

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Registered User
Forum Member
Jun 12, 2002
I have tried to tell everyone about a new type of sports betting, i am not advertising it i have no representation at this place. It is truly revolutionary, but It appears that if they dont advertise here, we are not allowed to talk about it. I dont think this is appropriate.

Please explain how a new type of sports betting, just because everyone will go do it is unfair to paying advertisers. The fact that the readers of these forums would immediately begin using this new place should not stop it from being censored out. You have a responsibility to allow the forum readers to discuss all things about sports gambling, yet you are censoring out anything that isnt advertised here?

That is simply unconstitutional. Freedom of speech and all that. I love these forums, and I understand the need to make money, but that should not stop the readers from discussing new things and places that come out just because they dont advertise here.

I would like some discussion on the fact that a new betting opportunity has been developed that would save these readers thousands of dollars per year, and we cannot talk about it just because they dont advertise here.


Senior Lurker
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Dec 7, 2001
parts unknown
didn't get to see your original post....

didn't get to see your original post....

....but to be fair to Jack, he did state some time ago, no posting certain links (or mentioning websites, same thing I gather). By your statement, we would "immediately begin using this place", so by nature that is advertising. Verbal, or referral, advertising, that is. When you tell your friends about a great new restaurant they should try, that IS advertising.

I've mentioned non-advertising sportsbooks in this forum before without touting them. There's a difference.
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