Why I come here. (No need to reply, but I hope you'll read this)

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Registered User
Forum Member
Jun 11, 2001
I am sort of new around here, but I thought I would take a couple of moments of my time and yours to share why I come here. Thanks to nole47 to suggesting this ?place? to me? Some of this may be random rambling, and for that I apologize.

I have been gambling regularly for a little over 2 years now with some success. That is to say that I have not lost money, and also have not gambled with money I did not have. Last year I was pretty heavily involved in another forum, but found that after NCAA BB season it got very quiet and when MLB started it deteriorated (probably not the right word for it) into merely a weekly game picking contest and folks posting whom they were taking that day. There was no discussion of why games were good or bad, discussion of stats, theories or gambling ?practices?, or any non gambling discussions at all, just ?I am taking Philly today? sort of thing. There was also virtually no NHL forum aside from myself. I ended up going to the NHL wagerline forum for that (yes, I know I have bashed them on here). As an aside, that forum is actually nothing like the other garbage over there thanks to the efforts of myself and another individual. Anyway?told you I might ramble?

The reason I mentioned the above is to better explain why I read and occasionally post in this forum. I handicap my plays individually and use the information found in this forum to make my final decision. The key word there being information: things I did not take into consideration, trends, theories, systems, line moves, people on the other side of a game, etc. This type of stuff is just not found anywhere else on the net. And believe me, I have looked. I do not come here to post my plays, or to show how good a capper I am. I come here for information. Occasionally I will add my .02 on a game (ok, maybe only .01) and contribute to a discussion in the General forum, but I have not found a better resource on the net for sports handicapping information than this site. My thanks and congrats go out to Jack for facilitating all this. I also come here because in my work and home life there are very few people I come in contact with that gamble. My wife can?t relate to it other than the little extra cash she occasionally has, or if I stay up way to late waiting on a game I have $$ on to end.
The reason I mention this is I have come to find that this forum is kind of a support group, where we celebrate in victory and sympathize with defeats. There is a common interest in the ?hobby? of gambling (for some a business), and a common goal of beating the books. It is this last sentence that sometimes gets overlooked and is what prompts my outrage at individuals that bash others? picks, or revel in others? losses. What purpose does that serve? Perhaps I have a na?ve view on things, but I believe in treating people with grace, civility and respect, either face to face or ?hiding? behind a computer screen. It goes a long way in my everyday life. Maybe that is not how some folks were raised, or maybe they need to adopt a different persona online. Who knows, but I will say that in this forum the good far outweighs the bad. It polices it?s own so to speak, although sometimes it takes a while. Most everyone on here is ?good people? and there too many to mention by name.

To wrap this up, I appreciate everything that the folks on this forum have to offer, from the sports handicapping information, to relocation advice, to polls on favorite soft drinks, and even discussions on whether it is appropriate to save a pet vs. a stranger. It is informative, educational, interesting, sometimes entertaining, and also serves as a nice diversion. I am looking forward to the upcoming NFL season but not as much as the NHL season! I hope I have not droned on too much, and I probably have not captured everything I wanted to say, but you get the idea. Good luck one and all!


Very nice post
, glad to have another class act in the forum...Tony
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MB NCAAF 728x90 Jpg


Registered User
Forum Member
Dec 16, 2000
Surprise, AZ, USA
Thanks for the nice post Sub.....

I too have come to call this place home. I still frequent a couple of other boards occasionally but this is still the only one that offers the support and volume of information that I want and need.

I have only been doing this for just under a year. And I will be the first to admit that I am doing it for all of the wrong reasons.

My mom died of ovarian cancer 13 months ago in March. After that I looked for an "outlet" to vent my rage and frustration.
Gambling is not the smartest way to blow off steam. But I did quickly recognize this and began it all as a "grand" experiment starting with casino gambling when we went to visit my little brother who lives in Las Vegas. The sole purpose of my trip was to spend a few minutes with my brother and to assure him that HE was going to be OK.. and that NO....mom was not and that we had to accept that and go on ...just the best way that we could.

The ONLY good thing to come out of my Mom's death was that Paul and I have grown closer through this.. We NEVER were close before.

Anyway... Kathy my wife wanted to play slots while we were in Vegas and i just kind of followed along realizing just HOW stupid it was. Looking around the casino in the Sahara and others... just FULL of losers.

When we returned home I started surfing the net for information about gambling in general. I went through casino gambling, horse racing, cards...poker...and finally settled on sports betting as at least something that would be complicated enough to hold my interest and that at least seemed winnable in some small way with a bit of hard work and discipline. I didnt realize just how much hard work or how much discipline but it has held my interest!

The funny thing is ... I've NEVER been interested in sports. NEVER.. not before and not now. I was in the band in high school, was musical and not athletic growing up and continue to be a non-sports enthusiast. Didn't know chit before and after a year of intense study I'm still quite certain that I don't know chit compared to the majority of people on this board. BUT I have learned a hell of a lot compared to where I came from.

Let's see.... in basketball it is GOOD if you put the ball in YOUR basket and BAD if a member of the other team takes it away from you and puts it in theirs! ... lol

I have a degree in psychology and will admit that the psychology of sport has grabbed my interest. Interactions between members of teams....rivalry, sports personalities and egos, leaders.. coaches, managers, rogue players.....behavior on and off the field.

When I started doing this I thought it was going to be about baseball (that's the season I started doing this.. just going into the playoffs), football, hockey and basketball.

Little did I know that there is also golf, soccer, australian football, arena football, WBNA, NASCAR and other motor sports and crickett.... (crickett is the ONLY sport listed on my sportsbooks that I HAVE not placed a wager on.

I thank people like Anders, Stanley, cartman, and the other aussie, kiwi, and British players that have opened my eyes to other opportunites other than the basic four.. I learned about ALL of this stuff right HERE. Nowhere else.

This place has helped me in ways that are hard to fathom and for this I am truly grateful. And although it seems weird I really do feel that I have made some GOOD friends here! WOW.

Growing up the son of a U S navy commander who was also a chaplain.. we called this feeling of communion and belonging "fellowship" and that is what it is.

Thanks to all my friends here for allowing a self acknowledge "sports dumb-ass" to participate and learn as i earn! My sports IQ has raised from that of about a six year old to that of a not too awfully bright 12 year old in less than ONE year!

One other quick note then I'm out of here. I found this site by the "back" door. I had done a search for free picks and information and had been following Nolan's football analysis and picks for the better part of last pro football season before I realized that there was more....much more than that here. Some of us find our way here by more circuitous routes than others.
I'm just glad I found this place.......

Thanks to all and to all my thanks for your patience with me......


Still Not a Sportsfan. Just like the prostitute who hates sex I'm only in it for the money!
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