Why NY ??


Forum Member
Mar 22, 2000
N.E. Ohio
Maybe its just me but how is this a good idea to place another huge bullseye on NYC ?? I understand the emotional thought to bring justice home but I just don't believe this is well thought out. Shit, have it at Guantanamo Bay , Fargo or Bumfuck but not back at NYC.

From CNN:

Accused 9/11 plotter Khalid Sheikh Mohammed faces New York trialNovember 13, 2009 11:33 a.m. EST

Khalid Sheikh Mohammed reportedly confessed to being the mastermind of the 9/11 attacks after being waterboarded.
NEW: Prosecutors should seek death penalty, attorney general says
Outrage, approval greet decision to hold trials in New York
Suspect in USS Cole attack to face military trial, officials say
Mohammed, four others to be tried in New York, according to officials
Washington (CNN) -- Five Guantanamo Bay detainees with alleged ties to the 9/11 conspiracy, including accused mastermind Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, will be transferred to New York to go on trial in civilian court, Attorney General Eric Holder announced Friday.

Mohammed, Ramzi Bin al-Shibh, Walid bin Attash, Ali Abdul Aziz Ali and Mustafa Ahmed al-Hawsawi will all be transferred to the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of New York -- a short distance from the World Trade Center towers that were destroyed in the September 11 attacks.

"After eight years of delay, those allegedly responsible for the attacks of September 11th will finally face justice," Holder said.

He said he expected prosecutors to seek the death penalty.

Holder also announced that five other detainees held at the U.S. military detention facility at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, will be sent to military commissions for trial. They were identified as Omar Khadr, Mohammed Kamin, Ibrahim al Qosi, Noor Uthman Muhammed and Abd al-Rahim al-Nashiri.

Al-Nashiri is an accused mastermind of the deadly 2000 bombing of the USS Cole; Khadr is a Canadian charged with the 2002 murder of a U.S. military officer in Afghanistan. Khadr was 15 years old when he was captured in July 2002.

Mohammed "will be subject to the most exacting demands of justice," President Obama said Friday in Japan.

"The American people insist on it, and my administration will insist on it," Obama told reporters at a joint news conference with Japanese Prime Minister Yukio Hatoyama.

Mohammed is the confessed organizer of the September 11, 2001, attacks on New York and the Pentagon. But his confession could be called into question during trial. A 2005 Justice Department memo -- released by the Obama administration -- revealed he had been waterboarded 183 times in March 2003.

Obama has called the technique, which simulates drowning, torture.

The alleged 9/11 conspirators are among 215 men held by the U.S. military at the Guantanamo prison camp. The Obama administration has vowed to close the detention facility but acknowledges it is unlikely to happen by its self-imposed January 22, 2010, deadline.

Bringing some of the world's top terror suspects to be tried in New York has already sparked outrage, as well as security concerns.

"Khalid Sheikh Mohammed is the most wanted terrorist in the world. Everyone in the world is going to know precisely where he is at precisely one time," CNN senior legal analyst Jeffrey Toobin said. "The Foley courthouse could become the focus of a great deal of interest from terrorists. That's going to take a tremendous security effort."

Watch Toobin list the challenges of this trial

U.S. Sen. John Cornyn, R-Texas, issued a statement Friday denouncing the decision to try the 9/11 suspects as "common criminals."

"The attacks of September 11th were an act of war," Cornyn said. "Reverting to a pre-9/11 approach to fighting terrorism and bringing these dangerous individuals onto U.S. soil needlessly compromises the safety of all Americans. Putting political ideology ahead of the safety of the American people just to fulfill an ill-conceived campaign promise is irresponsible."

But Kristen Breitweiser, whose husband was killed on 9/11, said she welcomed the trial.

"Some would say New York would now be a target by allowing his [Mohammed's] trial to take place in New York, but I disagree," she told CNN. Breitweiser still lives in the New York area. "It would give many of us access to attend the hearings."

She also said that for some who lost loved ones on 9/11, "this will be our opportunity to see justice served and have our day in court.

"Our ability to prosecute terrorists successfully in open courtrooms has less to do with the our judicial process and more to do with Bush's policy on torture that will make these prosecutions more difficult," she said.


Forum Member
Aug 30, 2002
In the shadows

It's a bunch of Grand Standing. Kissing ass to the Extreme Muslims. Let's not fool ourselves into not believing that there aren't Sleeper Cells Lurking in the Tri-State Area.

As soon as those fuk stiks are brought into NYC, I would not want to be anywhere near that city.


Forum Member
Mar 22, 2000
N.E. Ohio

It's a bunch of Grand Standing. Kissing ass to the Extreme Muslims. Let's not fool ourselves into not believing that there aren't Sleeper Cells Lurking in the Tri-State Area.

As soon as those fuk stiks are brought into NYC, I would not want to be anywhere near that city.

Exactly, I hope and pray that it goes without a hitch but my intuition sees a huge mistake here.


Forum Member
Oct 30, 2003
the best part of the article is that he confessed after being waterboarded:00hour

Lets waterboard the Fort Hood terrorist


Registered User
Forum Member
Jul 13, 1999
Bowling Green Ky
I certainly don't see one benefit of NY either Spang and many reasons not to.

We know these trials will drag out for over a year at cost of millions.
Why give terrorists daily exposure for that time frame. It permits them to make us relive that tragedy over and over.

Reminds me of NYT and Algezzera network running front page news of prison for 42 days.


Forum Member
Nov 16, 2001
Victory Lane
I think its a good idea to try and convict them in NY. Also execute them in NY .

You want to do terror in America, here is where you will die. Lets do the electric chair also without a hood, so we can all watch their eyes pop out.

you guys sure dont have much confidence in Obama . He has kept us safe longer now that the vacation days Bush had in his first year.



Registered User
Forum Member
Jul 13, 1999
Bowling Green Ky
I think its a good idea to try and convict them in NY. Also execute them in NY .

You want to do terror in America, here is where you will die. Lets do the electric chair also without a hood, so we can all watch their eyes pop out.

you guys sure dont have much confidence in Obama . He has kept us safe longer now that the vacation days Bush had in his first year.


His days of keeping us safe from terrorists didn't last a year Scott unless you think someone having business card below* and jumping on desk yelling ''allahu akbar'' before killing more than those that died in 93 attack on world trade.(6)

* http://www.examiner.com/x-5919-Norf...ooter-had-Jihad-message-on-his-business-cards

--and on your liking trial in NY--out of curiousity how would you like them in Atlanta--maybe residents of NY feel same way--Ya think.

They will be found quilty where ever they are tried--so only objective Puss and Boots (O&H) have is political--bowing * to ACLU and the left whose basic agenda is to put US on trial--as defense attorneys only possible defence can be how info was attained.

* on bowing --appears your boy has a knack for it--I have to give him compliment on form :)




Forum Member
Nov 16, 2001
Victory Lane
His days of keeping us safe from terrorists didn't last a year Scott unless you think someone having business card below* and jumping on desk yelling ''allahu akbar'' before killing more than those that died in 93 attack on world trade.(6)

* http://www.examiner.com/x-5919-Norf...ooter-had-Jihad-message-on-his-business-cards

--and on your liking trial in NY--out of curiousity how would you like them in Atlanta--maybe residents of NY feel same way--Ya think.

They will be found quilty where ever they are tried--so only objective Puss and Boots (O&H) have is political--bowing * to ACLU and the left whose basic agenda is to put US on trial--as defense attorneys only possible defence can be how info was attained.

* on bowing --appears your boy has a knack for it--I have to give him compliment on form :)




twist it and turn it so it sounds good to you DTB

The fact remains, no matter what this guy yelled he is a American citizen, employed by the Army who had many chances to stop him before they made him a Major and gave him a raise, which he used to fund some crazy shit.

Obama has kept us safe. No terrorists attacks on our soil from foreign terrorists. Longer than Bushs vacation period in his first year. Bush took about 9 months vacation in Crawford. The rest in Camp David.

If this had happened in Atl then I would think it would be a good thing to try them in Atl.

In your thinking , you think NY will be attacked again because these guys are there. No one attacked Guantanimo. NY will be ok . This will help them heal . Try them and fry them. And do it quickly . Quicker than any trial in the course of history. Thats what should happen. What little faith you have DTB in Obama keeping the US safe.
You will begin to love him like the rest of America.

I have no problem with him bowing to Japan . I am sure he did that to take the pressure off when he bowed to the Saudi King.

There is nothing wrong with respect for office of another country DTB. You could learn alot about respecting your own President boo boo.

Obama has to work over these Asian countrys and bring them around so the US can get back to where we were.

Everything is going to be OK.

Of course there are the naysayers like you that want to say the Sky if falling at every turn.

to that I say .... bah humbug in the spirit of Christmas coming soon.


Registered User
Forum Member
Jul 13, 1999
Bowling Green Ky

twist it and turn it so it sounds good to you DTB

The fact remains, no matter what this guy yelled he is a American citizen, employed by the Army who had many chances to stop him before they made him a Major and gave him a raise, which he used to fund some crazy shit.

Obama has kept us safe. No terrorists attacks on our soil from foreign terrorists. Longer than Bushs vacation period in his first year. Bush took about 9 months vacation in Crawford. The rest in Camp David.

If this had happened in Atl then I would think it would be a good thing to try them in Atl.

In your thinking , you think NY will be attacked again because these guys are there. No one attacked Guantanimo. NY will be ok . This will help them heal . Try them and fry them. And do it quickly . Quicker than any trial in the course of history. Thats what should happen. What little faith you have DTB in Obama keeping the US safe.
You will begin to love him like the rest of America.

I have no problem with him bowing to Japan . I am sure he did that to take the pressure off when he bowed to the Saudi King.

There is nothing wrong with respect for office of another country DTB. You could learn alot about respecting your own President boo boo.

Obama has to work over these Asian countrys and bring them around so the US can get back to where we were.

Everything is going to be OK.

Of course there are the naysayers like you that want to say the Sky if falling at every turn.

to that I say .... bah humbug in the spirit of Christmas coming soon.

I see--

--so if home grown muslim terrorist sets off nerve gas on subway--you will be--:00hour

Thank you Gumby-for keeping us safe from "foreign" terrorists.

--Would you go over that part about twisting again :)

P.S. Here is---Results 1 - 10 of about 1,510,000 for Omama fails to keep us safe from terrorists--

It might sink in by one million mark :kiss:



Registered User
Forum Member
Jul 13, 1999
Bowling Green Ky

Here is 1-10 of 13,700,000 that you get when you google 'bush is a terrorist.' wtf is the point?

Just trying to give him something to do Matt

Apparently he no longer denies he's a terrorist since he opting for the "foreign" cop out now.
So he's past the denial phase only 5 more phases to go. :)

By the way--O has some nasty things coming down for your business-- I doubt you vote for him in 2012 and not too sure you voted for him in 2008.
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