Will start the season with Raptors +2 and Sac +6.5

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grey beard

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Jan 20, 2003
Leesburg Va
Raptors went young last year and should be an improved squad this year. Pacers ended the season strong last year but that doesn't automatically translate to a fast start this year. I 'll like the improved home dog to get off to a good start and edge out the Pacers n a close one...On a *1 star to * five star basis, I'll go 4*s or $400 getting 2 points and 1* ML at + $120...Toronto 93Pacers 90...

Like the 6.5 points and SAC over Bulls...Bulls have all kinds of injuries and they are a pretty defensive club anyway that doesn't score a lot of points...SAC has some offensive talent and should be able to put up some points...I wouldn't be shocked if SAC won this straight up...but will take the points...SAC for 3* stars or $300 Chicago 86, SAC 85