Will there be a 3rd miracle???? My thoughts. . .

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Forum Member
Jan 24, 2001
Tucson, AZ, USA
Figured I would chime in on this. . . I was at my Club working out and watching the game on a big screen TV so I wasn't able to start another "In Game" thread. . .

First lets get one thing straight: Brenly is an idiot. IF the DBacks end up losing the series, then I will guarantee that Jerry Colangelo will FIRE his ass. . . Jerry will not put up with shit like this and I have learned this from people that know him.

However, I believe with all of my heart that Arizona will still win this series and I predicted a game 7 finale. . . I do not buy in to this "destiny" talk although it does make for a nice story in New York given what has happened this year.

There are a few facts so far from this series:

1. The DBacks have outplayed the Yankees. . . I believe even Yankee fans will agree to this.

2. Anderson and Kim lost to the Yankees. . . NOT Johnson or Schilling. . .

3. Brenly WILL NOT go back to his bullpen again in this series UNLESS either Johnson or Schilling get in serious trouble (I believe they both pitch complete games). . . I didn't think he would put Kim in game 5, but I think we can assume this WON'T happen again. . .

Can the Yankees win this series? Of course. . . I would be stupid to say anything else given what has happened as this series has proven that ANYTHING can happen. But it must be understood that the Yanks will have to BEAT Johnson or BEAT Schilling to do it. . . they will not get another opportunity to BEAT Kim or any other pitcher unless either of Arizona's ace pitchers have severe problems.

After game 2 and before game 3, I predicted (not on this board) to my friends and family that this series would be decided by an incredible 7th game that I believe will be remembered for a very long time. I am not shocked that the DBacks are down 3 games to 2 going into game six, but shocked at how it happened. . . especially since Arizona has outplayed the Yankees.

If the Yanks can BEAT either Johnson or Schilling for the first time in this series, then they deserve to be World Champs. . .

The Third Miracle will have to come off a pitch from either Johnson or Schilling. . .and the Yankees will actually have to OUTPLAY the DBacks for one game. . .


Forum Member
Jan 24, 2001
Tucson, AZ, USA
Let me add that an argument can certainly be made for the Yankees outplaying the DBacks in game 3 when Anderson pitched. . . but there is no argument for games 1,2,4,5.
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Forum Member
Jan 24, 2001
Tucson, AZ, USA
LOL. .. . check out the first message that I wrote. . . I had such an amazing time at the game. . . I think both teams played so well tonight that BOTH deserved to win. . . I am glad the DBacks ended up with it, but credit has to go to New York for NEVER giving up and making it the series that it was.

Game 7 was every bit as good as I thought it would be. . . and more!
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Forum Member
Jan 24, 2001
Tucson, AZ, USA
Hey Freeze,

Had some nosebleeds. . . sold them for $200 each with a face value of $60. . . but the game was priceless. .. so glad I didn't even consider selling mine. Something I WILL NEVER forget! Perhaps the greatest series AND game of alltime, but that will ALWAYS be disputed. . . not for me!

Hope you had AZ tonight freeze. . .

dr. freeze

Forum Member
Aug 25, 2001
didn't play it.....just sat back and enjoyed it.....

the best series since 85 Bear.....lol.....actually, if I take away my Royal blue blood, the 85 series is still better.......ooops that is impossible for me to do......

subtract 85, and this was the greatest series of my lifetime.....only thing that hurts it from not being the greatest series of ALL time is the lack of tradition in Az......i think the greatest series of all time would have to be two storied franchises going head to head......

one thing I really liked about this one, was that we got to see Rocket vs. Schilling in game 7. Rocket is one of the greatest pitchers in the history....if not THE greatest. I can say that because of the one stat.....5 probably 6 cy youngs. In comparing pitchers through the ages, you can only look how a certain pitcher faired in his era. Rocket win with the most cy youngs, clearly being the dominant pitcher of this era, when the competition is the greatest because of so many teams now. Back in the day, there were not as many teams as there are now, and the field was smaller and easier to win a cy young in. It is so remarkable for this man to have won so many. Truely one of the greats and a legendary pitcher.

Schill had a great year and though he probably will never be considered in Clemens' class, he is awesome and it was a treat to see him work this series. Glad to see the Unit in there too. Also was glad to see Gracey win one. They guy who was so unsung in Chicago of all places -- most hits in the 90's -- finally gets one. Reminds me so much of the greatest player ever to play the game -- even looks like him, and you know who he is, George Brett (lol) I loved it when he said after game 4 -- "you know what guys, this is really fun" or something to that matter. That brings it down to earth for us and shows you what the game is about.

Anyways, glad to see ya had a good one. Remember this and treasure it, because it may never happen again......for me, I will always remember a similar October nights in 85, whether we were on the winning end of a blowout (game 7), or had just won a dramatic one in the bottom of the 9th (game 6).

Baseball is magic.......late