
Home Wrecker

Registered User
Forum Member
Sep 26, 2002
Yesterday 1-2 -5 units
This week 1-2 -5 units
This year 120-92-2 +126 units

1-5 units

1 unit 18-11
2 unit 36-26
3 unit 18-22-1
4 unit 23-9
5 unit 24-17-1
ML 1-6

Okie State really disappointed me last night. I felt bad for the Bears as they should have pulled that one out. It looked as though they played with more heart, but sometimes thats just not enough. Those beloved Hoosiers won an rugged one last night....Big road stretch coming up for IU.

Early leans today, this is with me just looking at the lines without much effort (which will come this afternoon when I post plays). Thought I would try to start posting early leans to see if anyone had input either way. Several tonight, but most of my early leans do seem to result in several games. Expect the list to obviously shorten quite a bit. I will list in order of most appealing to least AGAIN BEFORE RESEARCH OR CAPPING

Auburn +9 (L)
Iowa +9 (L)
Hofstra +4.5 (W)
Marshall +4 push
B. Green +11.5 (L)
Penn St +18 (L)
Cincy -5 (W)
C. Mich -6 (W)
Kansas -7.5 (L)
Bos Coll +7 (L)
Mich -2.5 (W)
Illini -7.5 (W)
Tenn +14 (W)
Maryland -3 (W)
Rhode I -3 (L)

Back later with picks and hopefully some thoughts.

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Home Wrecker

Registered User
Forum Member
Sep 26, 2002
Wow, running late...damn appt ran really long

Auburn +9.5 5 units (L)
Iowa +9.5 5 units (L)
B.Green +12 5 units (L)

Tenn +13.5 4 units (W)
C. Mich -6 4 units (W)
Cincy -5 4 units (W)

Bos Coll +8 3 units (L)
Rhode Is -2 3 units (L)

Marshall +3.5 2 units (L)
Illini -6.5 2 units (W)

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