Withdrawal Issues

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Registered User
Forum Member
Jul 22, 2001
Port Richey, Florida
Copied from another place. Not sure if it's true. Just wanted to give some a heads up.

attention sportsbook.com users your check withdraws will bounce


I feel all of your pain. I have been effected more than once by sportsbook.com's BS with their processors over the past few years. Sportsbook cannot send millions of dollars in bad checks to gamblers and continue to not face any consequences.

The problem seems to point to Zip Payments, not Graapa. Sportsbook managers say currently an estimated 5,000 checks worth $4-5 million were bad checks from that "one batch alone", and that they are trying to "recover the monies" from their processor. I hate to tell you all, but as of this morning, Sportsbook upper management indicated there is no current processor for sportsbook.com other than one small processor who they only use to wire funds to large clients who want over $5,000 withdrawn.

So what does that mean- well, all pending transcations that have "been processed" but that have not been sent out WILL NOT GO OUT, and those that have gone out ARE MOST LIKELY ALSO BAD CHECKS (both according to upper management). Even more interesting and frustrating at the same time, Sportsbook.com has no idea what checks that have gone out are bad, and which ones are not- they have absolutely no idea where they stand unless the client calls them to let them know that their check has bounced- they are absolutely incapable over there!!!


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Forum Member
Jul 22, 2001
Port Richey, Florida
Feel like a detective. I sent them an email. Here is their reply!

Reference number: LTK11606664985X Please use this ticket number in any correspondence in relation to this matter.

Dear Thomas,

Thank you for contacting us.

Unfortinately we are facing technical difficulties with our withdrawal processors, and we are currently working to restore our processors back to normal as soon as possible, also we are currently reviewing several alternatives which will get your funds to you as soon as possible.

There is no need to despair on this matter as our withdrawal department is expecting to have this resolve with in 3 to 5 weeks.

I really do understand your frustration with the current withdrawal delay, please accept our sincere apologies.

We are always here to help you. Please feel free to reply to this email if you have any additional questions in relation to this or any other matter.

Kind regards,

August Thorn

3-5 WEEKS?????
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Steve's plays

Registered User
Forum Member
May 8, 2002
Not that funny for me, never had a problem with them until now. Withdrew my money on June 27th, finally chatted with them online & they discussed the issue, said they had the same problem last year & they expect the problem to get resolved soon. :scared