my how time flies! sun's not even up yet here on the left coast, but it's gonna be a long day of golf and late game fun!
I'm in 2nd place (20 pts behind w/no Keenan the last month)in a PPR Fantasy League, and I've got Josh Allen/Amon Ra/Achane and he's got McCaffrey/Purdy/Aiyuk sitting w/Minshew/Etienne and Davante.. I likes my chances!
here the picks:
Ore-17.5/Mich ML/Mich Ov 45.5/BILLS ML <<< 173/1173
Pats ML/Clev +7.5/Lions ML/TB ML/Bears ML/_______(open) <<< 52/1654 cmon boyz!
top plays for me:
*Commanders UN 47
*Gibbs OV 55.5 rushing
*Pats ML (Bill's last hurrah)
*Lions ML (Vikes will go out slingin, but eventual picks, etc 2h fade)
Best o'Luck to US!
I'm in 2nd place (20 pts behind w/no Keenan the last month)in a PPR Fantasy League, and I've got Josh Allen/Amon Ra/Achane and he's got McCaffrey/Purdy/Aiyuk sitting w/Minshew/Etienne and Davante.. I likes my chances!
here the picks:
Ore-17.5/Mich ML/Mich Ov 45.5/BILLS ML <<< 173/1173
Pats ML/Clev +7.5/Lions ML/TB ML/Bears ML/_______(open) <<< 52/1654 cmon boyz!
top plays for me:
*Commanders UN 47
*Gibbs OV 55.5 rushing
*Pats ML (Bill's last hurrah)
*Lions ML (Vikes will go out slingin, but eventual picks, etc 2h fade)
Best o'Luck to US!