Wouldn't it be easy for a ref to fix games?

hello there

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Jul 17, 2001
What's stopping a ref in football or other sports from telling a friend of his, not associated with him business or job wise, just a friend that no one knows about, to place 10K on the game that the Ref will be doing, and the Ref helping the calls out so it will go that way???? The corrupted Ref don't got total control of the game, but from what control he does have, which is a lot considering he can make huge calls at very important times of the game, I'm sure he can make the game go his way and win atleast 75% of the time without looking suspicious.
Betting 10K a game, hitting 75%, getting 80% of the take and his friends betting for him getting 20% can get to a ton of money added on to the salary the ref is already getting.

I mean, the NFL doesn't follow the refs back home or watch them 24 hrs a day seeing who he is talking to after they go home right, so couldn't the ref easily fix games and make tons of money??? I mean, how does the NFL stop this and can they?


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Mar 26, 2001
San Mateo, California
Or perhaps the Offense/Defense coordinators? Just a thought, by knowing the next play (your opponent) will be easier to call the right play! BTW, that goes both ways?

I believe any sports can be FIX in order for the books to gain the upper hand....peace


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Aug 24, 1999
This particular official would look a little suspicous making 10 or 20 times the normal amount officals bring home. If the transaction occured all in cash, then what in the hell would he do with it all? I'm assuming the reason for doing such a thing would be to buy more stuff. He couldn't stick it in a bank account anywhere b/c of authorities being able to trace the cash. I really think they would stick out like a sore thumb. It probably could happen, but sooner or later someone will get caught and unless I've missed it, there hasn't been anyone...


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Jan 13, 2000
San Diego
or better yet, what is to stop the ball boy from adding a little something to the balls making them hard to catch, throw and kick. ...Or the maintenance crew from letting the grass grow 1" more than usual making it hard to run.... or the scorekeeper adding an extra touchdown to his team when no one is looking

hello there

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Jul 17, 2001
EricG......good point, just goes to prove a lot more people than we expected are probably in on the Fix.


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Nov 15, 2001
The possibility of fixes will always be there. But bad calls and amateur, part time officials are a reality. C`mon N.F.L. this the 21st century. You have grey haired, old lawyers, doctors, accountants, truck drivers,etc. working all week then trying to keep up with young fast athletes every weekend. Lets face it if a wide receiver and a DB or safety can streak down the sideline at 40 yds in 4.5 then goddammit the official should be just as athletic and proffesional and be right with them. Its time to get rid of these guys that have`nt seen their Johnson for years cause of their beer gut. Get with the program. Just an opinion.

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