
MB MLB 728x90 Jpg
MB NCAAF 728x90 Jpg


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Forum Member
Sep 24, 2004
that would be me...

that would be me...

when a call is blown that blatantly, i don't know how anybody feels like handicapping is worth a shit. yes, in-game betting is inherently a bit riskier because probabilities are reduced to attitude and situations...but that was absolute horseshit. how in the f**k does that muthaf**kin ref at the goal line call that a TD in the first place and then how does the entire officiating crew including the replay guys act like nothing happened? total BULLSHIT.
the duke ending was bad enough. i couldn't make this shit up. people always say we forget about the lucky breaks that give us a win but there is NO way i've had any good breaks that equal the bullshit i saw this evening. I'm a small player compared to a lot of guys on this board and my heart genuinely goes out to all those who lost a lot more on these bullshit games than I did. this is totally f**ked.


Forum Member
Sep 30, 2012
when a call is blown that blatantly, i don't know how anybody feels like handicapping is worth a shit. yes, in-game betting is inherently a bit riskier because probabilities are reduced to attitude and situations...but that was absolute horseshit. how in the f**k does that muthaf**kin ref at the goal line call that a TD in the first place and then how does the entire officiating crew including the replay guys act like nothing happened? total BULLSHIT.
the duke ending was bad enough. i couldn't make this shit up. people always say we forget about the lucky breaks that give us a win but there is NO way i've had any good breaks that equal the bullshit i saw this evening. I'm a small player compared to a lot of guys on this board and my heart genuinely goes out to all those who lost a lot more on these bullshit games than I did. this is totally f**ked.

Yup, I took it for enuff $ to wipe out my loss on UCLA. Clear and blatant blown call. The receiver was down a long way short of the line and time ran out. No fuggin automatic review and the refs just ignored Briles who called time out for a review. The refs even said "time out Baylor." The announcers then said "he's clearly down short" and "they'll take the points off the board". That bullshit added insult to my injury. We made a great call on the ML and were robbed. Robbed without a cop to call.