Write your Congressman


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May 3, 2002
God's Country
Here is a letter I have sent to my two pinhead Senators and my US Representative. There is strength in number guys. If every one writes and asks their buddies to write, maybe we can this this internet gambling bill thrown out. Feel free to use this letter or write one of your own.


Dear (congressman or Senator)
Many of my friends and I, being fully developed adults, responsible, tax paying citizens, and God fearing individuals, feel extremely outraged by the Internet Gaming Law that was passed late last year, which effectively bans all forms of recreational gambling, and most especially the way it was passed. It will not stop gambling, but merely divert it back to the underworld. The estimate on the number of citizens affected and deeply disturbed by this law is easily in the millions?..many of them your own constituents. By the way, the average age of my closest 500 or so internet buddies who enjoy online gaming is in the mid to high 40s.

Can we examine exactly who benefits with the passage of this law? State lotteries? Hardly, for they are two very different things. Indian casinos, Las Vegas, Not likely, as we don?t spend that much time in those cities. Was this law passed to satisfy a small group from a small state who wants to impose their local morals on the rest of the population? If the latter is the case, let them fight with their own state and ban gambling at the state level, instead of denying the rest of the population that little fun they so enjoy.
I am most personally offended at the manner in which this law was passed, and a great many of my internet buddies, and their buddies, and their buddies buddies, both in this state and the rest of the country, are hopping mad, to say the least. Was it openly debated on the floor in both Houses of Congress???? No it wasn?t. It was a vote on in the middle of the night, with a voice vote and attached to the Port Container Security Act. This in itself is shameful. This procedure, which has been traditionally used to pass "Pork and Barrel" projects, has now been executed as a personal attack on a large number of citizens, gratis.

What you have done by denying us this little freedom, and force millions of law abiding citizens to go back into the dark ages, relying on local bookies, mostly run by organized crime, in order to satisfy our desire to play poker or bet a few bucks on our favorite sports team. Must we be told what to do or not to do at every single stage of our lives? Now if someone wants to make a $25 bet on their favorite football team, they are a criminal. Was this your intention? Do you REALLY think you can stop people from wagering on sports or playing a little poker? You are merely sending us back to the slaughterhouse; the underworld.

The resources spent on tracking down internet gambling could better be spent on SERIOUS security issues that face this nation. In short, you have passed a law that cannot be enforced, and instead driving us back to the dark underworld.
Was it so hard for congress to license and regulate (And collect taxes), and leave it to the states to fight their constituents if they individually decided to ban internet gambling?

It is not too late to repeal this law and instead introduce a bill to deal with licensing, regulation and taxation. Let us pass a logical law for a change, please!


Joe Blow
City, State


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Mar 4, 2005
This is a rite congressman.........l

This is our congress......../////////...or...\\\\\\\\\
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