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Registered User
Forum Member
Nov 4, 2000
Report out yesterday more Americans without health care. More liveing in poverty. Big numbers last three years. We better start here at home soon. 45 million with out health care does more to raise everyones cost then law suites.
Poverty in this country caused by low wages is nuts. Sitting on ones ass is one thing. Paying people as cheep as you can is another. Then when they pay them 6 bucks a hour they say you can go buy your health care. You bet. Price any health care lately. Were you shocked at a family plan over $500 a month and then it has a $500 deductable tacked on. And in many cases no drug co pay. You want drug copay add some more on.
We have a net loss of jobs last three years. Thats costing all of us.
Cheney has a idea how to help all of this. Raise the S/S retierment age. Wheres he been. Per law put in by Ron Reagan it's already been raise to where many cant get a dime till age 68. And he lost me on how that will help jobs if more folks work longer. So new ones don't get hired.


Channel Member
Jul 31, 2004
....and the speculation is that the timing of the poverty report was politically motivated. Normally, this report is announced in September - when people are home from holiday, in school, working, and basically more involved in the news. Could be damaging for a re-election.

As it is now, this report is going to fly relatively under the radar. Probably won't make an impact on people.

The last time this was reported in August instead of a month later was 1992. Coincidence?
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