wtf is al-Sadr still walking around>>>


Forum Member
Feb 17, 2004
this guy should be shot in the head, as should all the other murderous thugs over there or anywhere else for that matter. Why is he still alive, hopw many times does he get a do-over beofre we realze he is not going to stand behind his peaceful talks. Bush you have become to soft over there, what do we care if the Muslim world gets mad, the Muslims who are causing the problems already hate us, waht are they going to do---hate us more????There are good people with good intent but these are not the ones causing the problems. The ones that hate are exactly that, filled with an awful lot of hate, and they should be expired. If they use mosques for refuge, we must eliminate the ones who hate or the killing will never cease. Enough is enough, we spend all this money on defense and weapon production but then we can not use the weapons we have, we are in a war that we must win. Bush nees to stand up and take these people out, I know Bush will win this year, no question about it,I just hope he puts and end to the extreme merderous thugs.
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