I once witnessed history in the annals of female sports. I am pretty sure this feat has never before been accomplished nor do I hope it ever will be again.
I was officiating a game at the girls high school JV level.
One team was blowing the other one out. I will allow the teams to remain nameless. To do otherwise would inflict embarrassment on the players involved.
Late in the 4th quarter the home team had 6 points, yes that was not a typo they had scored 6 points in 24 + minutes of playing. A girl got accross the half court line and in partial despairation and pure hope she lobed the ball up in the air.
Now this team had been having the ball stolen from them by the scrubs on the other team so it was a joyous occasion to simply get it back across the time line.
YES IT HAPPENED the ball went in the hoop as I raised my left arm and popped open the three finger signal to an outstreched open hand on my right arm I signaled a good 3 point goal and witnessed history I am sure as those girls increased the home team score a FULL 50% from 6 points to 9 points.
I am humbled to have been there I turned and looked down the court half expecting the ESPN camera crews to materialize and record the event.
True story