
Registered User
Forum Member
Feb 9, 2005
the art of bar tending went down the drain .... last 3 places i have order a long island ice tea and all three times they asked well whats in it ....:facepalm::facepalm:


Thread banned
Forum Member
Dec 5, 2001
Vanished into vortex
the art of bar tending went down the drain .... last 3 places i have order a long island ice tea and all three times they asked well whats in it ....:facepalm::facepalm:

This is one occupation where you can absolutely say that as the paychecks went down so did the quality of the work. These place may save a few dollars on wages, but aren't retaining customers like they could be.

A good bartender is worth whatever he costs.


Registered User
Forum Member
Feb 9, 2005
This is one occupation where you can absolutely say that as the paychecks went down so did the quality of the work. These place may save a few dollars on wages, but aren't retaining customers like they could be.

A good bartender is worth whatever he costs.

Seems they put alot of alcohol and they think all is good ... not .... tastes like sh1t

Old School

Forum Member
Mar 19, 2006
A Long Island Iced Tea is a type of alcoholic mixed drink typically made with tequila, vodka, light rum, triple sec, gin, and a splash of cola, which gives the drink the same amber hue as its namesake.[SUP][1][/SUP] It is so named because of the resemblance to the color and taste of iced tea. A popular version mixes equal parts vodka, gin, tequila, rum, and triple sec with 1? parts sour mix and a splash of cola.
Most variants use equal parts of the main liquors, but include a smaller amount of triple sec (or other orange-flavored liqueur). Close variants often replace the sour mix with lemon juice, replace the cola with diet cola or actual iced tea, or add white cr?me de menthe; however, most variants do not include any tea. Some restaurants substitute brandy for the tequila.
The drink has a much higher alcohol concentration (approximately 22 percent) than most highball drinks due to the relatively small amount of mixer. Long islands can be ordered "extra long", which further increases the alcohol to mixer ratio.

There is some dispute as to the origin of the Long Island Iced Tea. However, numerous sources attribute the origin to one or both of two inventors in the 1920s or 1970s. The Long Island Iced Tea appears in literature as early as 1961.[SUP][2][/SUP][SUP][3][/SUP][SUP][4][/SUP]
Alternatively, a slightly different drink is claimed to have been invented in the 1920s during Prohibition in the United States, by an "Old Man Bishop" in a local community named Long Island in Kingsport, Tennessee.[SUP][5][/SUP][SUP][6][/SUP] The drink was then perfected by Ransom Bishop, Old Man Bishop's son. This drink included whiskey and maple syrup, and varied quantities of the five liquors, rather than the modern one with cola and five equal portions of the five liquors.
Robert "Rosebud" Butt claims to have invented the drink as an entry in a contest to create a new mixed drink including Triple Sec, in 1972 while he worked at the Oak Beach Inn on Long Island, New York.[SUP][7][/SUP][SUP][8][/SUP] Various local New York references echo Butt's claims.[SUP][9][/SUP] Local rumors also ascribe the origin to either Butt or another bartender at the Oak Beach Inn, Chris Bendicksen.[SUP][10][/SUP]



IBA specified ingredients*

Add all ingredients into highball glass filled with ice. Stir gently. Garnish with lemon spiral. Serve with straw.



Jack's Mentor
Forum Member
Jan 18, 2000
Crustacean Nation
Was in the bar biz for over 20 years.....

Triple Sec
Southern Comf
Splash of Sour Mix & Shake.....
Splash Coke for coloring......



Thread banned
Forum Member
Dec 5, 2001
Vanished into vortex
Knowing what goes in what drink is obviously a big part of being a good bartender, but it's a lot more than that. Service, speed, friendliness and making me feel like you give a shit about me being happy with service goes a long way.

My drink of choice has been Scotch for a long time now. I like a glass of scotch, over ice with a tablespoon of cranberry juice. I know that puts off the traditional Scotch drinkers, but I find the cranberry juice opens up the alcohol taste as well as/better than water and cuts just enough of the bite to make it very palatable.

I was out of town and ordered it just like that, glass of Scotch, over ice with a tablespoon of cranberry juice and was told "we don't serve that here". I replied, "which? Scotch, ice or cranberry juice" and he just stared at me until he realized what I actually asked for.



Forum Member
Feb 7, 2013
Central Pa
Knowing what goes in what drink is obviously a big part of being a good bartender, but it's a lot more than that. Service, speed, friendliness and making me feel like you give a shit about me being happy with service goes a long way.

My drink of choice has been Scotch for a long time now. I like a glass of scotch, over ice with a tablespoon of cranberry juice. I know that puts off the traditional Scotch drinkers, but I find the cranberry juice opens up the alcohol taste as well as/better than water and cuts just enough of the bite to make it very palatable.

I was out of town and ordered it just like that, glass of Scotch, over ice with a tablespoon of cranberry juice and was told "we don't serve that here". I replied, "which? Scotch, ice or cranberry juice" and he just stared at me until he realized what I actually asked for.


When we go to the Towne Tavern every other Tuesday after Bowling Christine knows exactly what everyone gets. She usually has my Fuzzy Navel made as we walk in the door and as the boys walk in she pops each beer. (They have a rotating schedule so it's not always the same guys every week.) She's awesome!! :0074
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