You asked for got him

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Aug 31, 2002
Chicago, Tempe
No ducking the issue, Kerry lost. I can't believe it, but Kerry lost. The American people have spoken. I congratulate both campaigns for a well done job. Congrats to the Bush backers.

The exit polls got to go. From my sources, the reason why they were so skewed was that George Soros was paying people to volunteer and register people that made the registered people a lot higher than the actual turnout and/or votes.

The only silver lining is this is Dubya's mess. No excuses, nobody to blame it on. He got us in it, he can take us out. I thought now was the time for diplomacy, hence the full support for Kerry, but that point is now moot. He just better get us out of Iraq ASAP, and put his personal vendettas aside.

By the way, I am a college student who ususally plays the biggest straight wager I have ever made was on Kerry for $100.00... :142lmao: At least I didn't lose too much, but it was my biggest wager...


Registered User
Forum Member
Oct 26, 2002
Elkhorn, WI
you should have bet bush when he was +250 yesterday, he will finish the mess in iraq, and he is the best man to lead this country


Fight On!
Forum Member
Sep 11, 2002
When you posted the bet you didn't mention how much but rather it was your biggest bet ever. After you lose, you decide to post that it was only $100. I wonder if you would have posted you won $100 if Kerry won the election.

Again, not sure why you would't post how much you wagered if you planned on saying how much after you lost and inserting a smile face. Hopefully you did not cost anybody large amount of money when they saw it was your biggest bet ever and then find out it was only $100. I am sure they like seeing that laughing face.
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Forum Member
Apr 7, 2002
finish the mess in iraq? and leave their country in turmoil for 20 years of civil war when the elections fail in january with the 3 factions scratching for power... this is hornets nest cubed, there is no way to "fix" it ... get used to it, terrorism is here for good and Hydra effect entrenched

I hear ya marra ... and $100 to a young guy is a lot of $$ and bless you for backing the right cause ... Personally, im ashamed that our country is so ignorant to be flim flammed but the worst President we've ever had, someone who if he was a CEO would've been fired after 2 years .. If this is the best man we can trot out to show our kids that we have a strong, compassionate, intelligent leader of our country, then we are indeed a laughing stock

gl, gregg


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Aug 31, 2002
Chicago, Tempe
Shut up Scott...people need to go by instinct and I listed all the reasons why I thought Kerry had this thing locked up. $100 is my biggest bet ever, it wasn't a lie. That is the most I placed on a straight wager. I usually play parlays. I really thought by over 80% that Kerry would win. I take that bet everyday and twice on Sundays. My sources in the Demo party were also very confident.

BTW,I will send you a link to the volunteer army so you can head off to Iraq and fight the "good fight" I will get your e-mail from Jack. I will pay postage.
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Registered User
Forum Member
Aug 31, 2002
Chicago, Tempe
pt1gard said:
finish the mess in iraq? and leave their country in turmoil for 20 years of civil war when the elections fail in january with the 3 factions scratching for power... this is hornets nest cubed, there is no way to "fix" it ... get used to it, terrorism is here for good and Hydra effect entrenched

I hear ya marra ... and $100 to a young guy is a lot of $$ and bless you for backing the right cause ... Personally, im ashamed that our country is so ignorant to be flim flammed but the worst President we've ever had, someone who if he was a CEO would've been fired after 2 years .. If this is the best man we can trot out to show our kids that we have a strong, compassionate, intelligent leader of our country, then we are indeed a laughing stock

gl, gregg

Thanks gregg. Great post. Luckily, it's only 4 years. A lot can happen in 4 years, but I will just deal with it. I plan on going to Australia for an extended period of time anyway. :)

Also-People overwhelmingly supported Bush on "moral values" WTF is so moral about a Silver spoon draft dodger who got us into a unjust war killing innocent people. People say: "I can have a beer with him" WTF does that mean! I don't want to have a freaking beer with the president I want him to lead the free world. He SHOULD be a lot smarter than I am!

[Sarcasm] Good thing Bush getting re-elected will put a stop to terrorism. I mean, those innosent Iraqi fathers and mothers they worries...those kids won't hate our country or anything[/Sarcasm]
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Fight On!
Forum Member
Sep 11, 2002

Did not call you a liar. I question as to why you wouldn't post how much you wagered when you called it your biggest bet ever but after you lose you decide to post how much you lost and put a smile face behind it. That is just my opinion and I question that. I personally always post how much I wager when it is very large so people can determine how serious I am. For example, last year I wagered my biggest bet ever on USC over Michigan in the Rose Bowl. I posted it $9,000 so people knew how strong I felt about it. But if I posted $100 people might not take it so seriously if that was my biggest bet ever. I just question as to why you wouldn't state how much it is. $100 is a lot of money especially in college, but why say how much u wagered after you lost. That is what I question. I do not mean to offend you and betting on Kerry +vig in a close election was a solid bet!
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Aug 31, 2002
Chicago, Tempe
The grapes were probably sour anyways Scott. :clap:

Hey charles here you go, I expect confirmation e-mail from the army soon:

They need people to fight the good fight. You are a big supporter so get out there!!!
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Registered User
Forum Member
Aug 31, 2002
Chicago, Tempe
What part of my comment merritted me joining the U.S. Army? I'm 69 years old you moron. That was weak. Why can't you stay on topic?

You are a Bush supporter. Therefore, you support the war. We need volunteers. I am sure they can use you over there.


Channel Member
Jul 31, 2004
If we want Iraq done properly - we need to double or triple the troops - bomb more - kill more - start a draft again (or be OK with being spread too thin). AND then we need to be prepared for massive Jihad from the rest of the Muslim World. Look out, there are over 1 billion of them.

I got the stomach for it. C'mon! Let's do it! Lets do the whole village, man!

The biggest flip-flop half ass maneuver of the last generation was Bush selling us how easy it is to conquer a nation. Now it's tough, what will we do next ???????

"Walk right side of road - safe. Walk left side of road - safe. Walk middle of road - squashed like grape", Miagi-Karate Kid


Forum Member
Nov 16, 2001
Victory Lane
Scott4USC said:

Did not call you a liar. I question as to why you wouldn't post how much you wagered when you called it your biggest bet ever but after you lose you decide to post how much you lost and put a smile face behind it. That is just my opinion and I question that. I personally always post how much I wager when it is very large so people can determine how serious I am. For example, last year I wagered my biggest bet ever on USC over Michigan in the Rose Bowl. I posted it $9,000 so people knew how strong I felt about it. But if I posted $100 people might not take it so seriously if that was my biggest bet ever. I just question as to why you wouldn't state how much it is. $100 is a lot of money especially in college, but why say how much u wagered after you lost. That is what I question. I do not mean to offend you and betting on Kerry +vig in a close election was a solid bet!

Your a lieing sack of chinola and the biggest joker of all jokers.

You knew how strong you felt about it so you did us a favor. Ha Ha.

And your mama lives next to mel Gibson.


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Aug 31, 2002
Chicago, Tempe
Scott-Atlanta said:
and Manson aint far behind. ]

Get back behind the bars Manson.

We can't afford to put him behind bars...he is 69 years old. Instead, he can bring food or water to the troops and tend to the wounded in Iraq.

Seriously Charles...fight the good fight, sir!


Forum Member
Jan 6, 2002
North of Titletown AKA Boston
I have to agree with Scott here... you made it seem like you bet a lot more than $100...

I don't know you and hate to question your integrity, but you do open yourself up to question about whether you would have said you bet $10,000 if Kerry won...

Don't want to start a battle with you, thats not what I come here for, I am just stating an opinion... Peace ...
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Registered User
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Aug 31, 2002
Chicago, Tempe
People should bet based on the facts, and I gave you the facts of why Kerry would win. Apparently the American people disagreed with me, and they get the last laugh. My betting amount should have nothing to do with politics and who you thought would win. I was 80% sure on this one and that 20% came up. If I said I bet 100,000, how would you know a)I wasn't lying b) if it made a difference. I don't see how my betting amount should influence anyone's choices...The facts I brought to the table...that is a different story.


Forum Member
Nov 16, 2001
Victory Lane
Marra said:
People should bet based on the facts, and I gave you the facts of why Kerry would win. Apparently the American people disagreed with me, and they get the last laugh. My betting amount should have nothing to do with politics and who you thought would win. I was 80% sure on this one and that 20% came up. If I said I bet 100,000, how would you know a)I wasn't lying b) if it made a difference. I don't see how my betting amount should influence anyone's choices...The facts I brought to the table...that is a different story.

dont worry marra its just Scott4USCs insecurity about the bullshit amounts he posts.

Especially when he wants us to know he is serious.