You guys are being duped! (Me thinks....)


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Forum Member
Mar 16, 2000
On the course!
Some of you are keen on this already, but for the rest of you, it has been my opinion for quite sometime, that our beantown and angry balck dude are the same creation.

Now, I am pretty sure Jack could check the addresses out for us, but it just seems a little too coincidental that ABM follows in Jim's hoove prints every time.

Jim gets the boot, and the "black man" comes a callin'!

beantownjim2 pops up after beannie gets the "boot" last year, he gets the axe, and a few days later, ABM sets up shop. Hmmm.

We let these two get to us, and that's exactly what he/they want. I can see this dumb ass just laughing in his bedroom at night, thinking about how his disruptions got to the forum.

Play the racist white Irish pig in one phase, then put on the black man smock, and have a ball playing that angle! For as dumb as we all make the guy, he sure is getting a lot of "yucks" on us!

Here's an idea that I know is almost impossible for us, but let's give it a shot:

NEVER respond to any of angry's posts or replies! In fact, use the ignore feature, and make it simple!

Let's quit wasting our time, fellas..............


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Jul 13, 1999
they both use AOL so there's no way to tell if it's the same person. convenient, huh?

anyway, both are gone!

i suspect that you are right in your assumptions.
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