Well Last evening made a trip to the Fridge to check the supplies, well low and behold the Milk is depleted! Like Monk and his coffee, the Freak does enjoy a cold glass of milk first thing in the morning, kills the heart burn and does my body good! No milk in the fridge and no food in my stomach its off to town for some goodies! I run to the local store and pick up some staples for the morning time, Milk, Bread, Ice Cream, Mt. Dew, and some Assorted munchies! Back to the house I go, movies in hand and out on the couch by 10:30 for a good nights rest! 6:30 am, Rise and Shine, shower shave and its off to work I go! Well got to get my milk, I ran back in the house and grab my half gallon as I planned on drinking the whole thing! Well I get back into the truck and head off to work, as I approach the end of my driveway I opened the jug and wammo a bigt gulp reveals that my milk is obviously not as fresh as the date on the label! This shit is on its way to being cottage cheese! Well now I have got a great start on the day, late to work and now ultimately pissed because I have had a mouth full of sour milk before 7:30 in the morning!
I think I'll buy myself a cow and just cut out the middle man and walk out and get myself a shot right from the teet every morning! Because I tell ya this, the taste of bad milk will stay with ya for a good while, as a matter of fact I think I'll go now and get myself something to wash away this taste! Is it too early for a little Whiskey?:shrug:
I think I'll buy myself a cow and just cut out the middle man and walk out and get myself a shot right from the teet every morning! Because I tell ya this, the taste of bad milk will stay with ya for a good while, as a matter of fact I think I'll go now and get myself something to wash away this taste! Is it too early for a little Whiskey?:shrug: