hers a good one 2 of the top 6 sentator's and their money contributions were you guessed John McCain az 102,350 and Jon Kyl az 101,145.
these 2 pricks have had war with nv over gaming for over 4 years but yet are passing a bill in their own state for more gaming on indian resorvations in their own state,now that is a major pair of assholes ,they try to say nv is bad for the us and people because of sports betting and gaming. but yet are trying to get more of it in their own state. also dickhead 1 and 2 have been spotted in vegas over 5 times each within the last year playing, one was reported to have lost over 40,000 not a lot by vegas standerds in 2 days and also bet on a college sporting event. unreal. and this was reported by more then one source that knows.
these 2 pricks have had war with nv over gaming for over 4 years but yet are passing a bill in their own state for more gaming on indian resorvations in their own state,now that is a major pair of assholes ,they try to say nv is bad for the us and people because of sports betting and gaming. but yet are trying to get more of it in their own state. also dickhead 1 and 2 have been spotted in vegas over 5 times each within the last year playing, one was reported to have lost over 40,000 not a lot by vegas standerds in 2 days and also bet on a college sporting event. unreal. and this was reported by more then one source that knows.