Zona & Terps &!!

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Jan 31, 2001
Bethesda, MD
I just logged on and saw many of you on Mich St...sorry about that one guys but I "thought" Zona was the clear favorite hands down. I like the Terps ONLY for sentimental reasond being a Terps fan. Just moved back to MD 2 weeks ago!! Would be at a sports bar but some BBQ, friends and beer on the couch with some munchies sounds better!! Could make an arguement that they "should" have gone 3-0 this season vs Duke. Duke DOES HAVE the experience in these big games & could easily win, but I place a few bucks on the Terps tonight! I am TIRED of Duke!!!

On another note, I LOVE the Heat tonight! They SHOULD easily win by double digits!! REALLY NEEDING a W & with ZO having a GREAT game!! This is NBA crunch time & the the playoff teams really step it up! It is all Miami........

In the meantime.....GO TERPS!!!!!!!!!!! FEAR THE TURTLE.........SCREW THE BLUE.......