Shove It!


Forum Member
Jul 5, 2000
Now I'm sure it's Eddie doing his pysch thing. He started out moderate, making sense and now he's flying off the handle with the extremes - radical, bigot, racist; trying to elicit rash responses.

Eddie, just like I was right about the oily ponytail, I know what you're trying you Dr. Evil wannabe. "I'm so much smarter than the common man" BS.
Shampoo the ponytail twice a day, take your medication as scheduled and you'll be alright.
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Forum Member
Jul 22, 2004
Parts unknown
You are very good at calling names but failing to point out any biblical or american authority for your arguements. It seems to me that you, Dr. Freeze and others attack people who are expressing there viewpoints in a religion forum without any valid basis or authority. And you will know the truth, and the truth will make you free. John 8:32 The KKK used violence as there means and they must eventually face the Lord who will deal out there punishment. However, that is not to say that there goals were not something we should all strive for. The cleansing of America, the establishment of a Christian America and opposition to all those that would turn this great country into an aethiastic society. Does that mean all blacks must go. Of course not but unless they want to get off welfare, get jobs, raise families, marry the mothers of there children and stop suckling the milk of the state for there sustenance. If so, good blacks like Rice, Thomas, and a few others are more than welcome to stay. Name one good Muslim who loves this country. Didnt think you could.
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dr. freeze

Forum Member
Aug 25, 2001
are you going to forgive Christ for calling the Pharisees' names?

you are a self-righteous arrogant piece of garbage who uses Christianity to elevate himself above everyone else....that is so dispicable and your attempt to use God as your authority for political views which are inconsistent with Scripture places you as a blasphemer.....and a disgrace to the church

i agree with some of your views but your views on race is totally out of line with any semblence of Christianity....


Forum Member
Jul 22, 2004
Parts unknown
We're in a fight for our principles and our first responsibility is to live by them.

George W. Bush

Are you going to forgive yourself for calling me those horrible names. God is not my authority for political views. He is my authority for all views. You continue to call me names but cite no biblical or secular authority. How are my political views inconsistent with scripture?????? My views on race are not inconsistent with scripture as you say. Are you in favor or mixed marriages???? Are you in favor of gay marriages. Well I'll tell you what blasphemer, if you are in favor of these abominations then you will burn in hell. I stand by my God in saying that. Anyone who is against the marriage amendment banning gay marriages will have to answer to the Lord.


Registered User
Forum Member
Aug 10, 1999
I sincerely apologize to Dr. Freeze for lumping this nitwit in the same category.

I was beginning to think this was a joke, but who would waste this much time doing so? Not to mention it's gone way over the 'joking' line.
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dr. freeze

Forum Member
Aug 25, 2001
just what is a "mixed marriage"?

and nowhere in Scripture does it say that you have to be against a gay marriage amendment.........once again you are incorrectly using your political views to be backed by God.....once again you are guilty of blasphemy

you are an affront to everything that Christianity stands for....get lost

dr. freeze

Forum Member
Aug 25, 2001
Hoops said:
I sincerely apologize to Dr. Freeze for lumping this nitwit in the same category.

I was beginning to think this was a joke, but who would waste this much time doing so? Not to mention it's gone way over the 'joking' line.

no apologies needed.....

with the corruption in the church these days, the blasphemy spoken from the pulpiit, the lies and deceit that are spewed on televsion from so called pastors/ministers/preachers 24/ is easy to be able to confuse a Christian/conservative with these pukes

when in fact most Christians believe that these are outcasts far more dangerous than any muslim terrorist.....

my personal positions are based by science, reason, theology....they are not articulated very well at all in the present political scene which is very bothersome to me and many other conservatives.....and many confuse them with reprobates such as this EAE character..

EAR fails to recognize his arrogance and hatred from within....he fails to recognize that His God saved His harshest words for those such as himself who perverted the faith in this way.....not much you can do with this
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dr. freeze

Forum Member
Aug 25, 2001
back in the day, my Grandpa...a Baptist from Germany married a Lutheran from Norway....I wonder if this is a mixed marriage?

or woudl my marriage, in which my wife has some Hispanic heritage, be a mixed marriage?

just what is a mixed marriage you piece of trash and why is it wrong?


Forum Member
Jul 22, 2004
Parts unknown
You, a conservative???? Sir, I know conservatives, I know what Bush and Cheney stand for. You are no conservative. You ask what is a mixed marriage???? YOU do not know your bible. A product of a mixed marriage is that Mombo guy last night. His father was a goat herder from KENYA. His mother was a white woman from KANSAS. Yet he is the democrats rising star. He wants to be president. His father was from KENYA. You tell me thats okay in this country. A mixed marriage is a racially mixed marriage. Protestants can marry one another. Your personal beliefs sound like there based on science and medicine maybe but definetely not theology. You know nothing about the Bible, salvation and living a Christian life. Your arrogance is amazing that you speak for all Christians. You say that I am an outcast and profess the your brand of Christianity is the right one. You have not shown me one passage from bible that supports your heathenistic views. I will pray for you.

dr. freeze

Forum Member
Aug 25, 2001
how are you able to put yourself in a position to judge how my life is lived?

on what authority do you base your views that a "mixed marriage" is wrong? do you know nothing about Rahab and Ruth? were their marriages wrong?

simple reason tells me that every unrelated person in this country comes from a different lineage.....simple reason tells me that everyone's DNA for skin color is variant....simple reason tells me that because the Bible seemed to bless interracial marriages, that any view claiming mixed marriages as wrong would be blasphemous if it used the Scriptures to promote such a view
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Forum Member
Jul 22, 2004
Parts unknown
Aren't you the one who is judging me and how I live. I believe you called me garbage, puke, piece of trash, reprobate, blasphemer. Yet you expect anyone to believe that your brand of Christianity is the right one????? Sir you have attacked me after I mistakenly thought you were a good conservative Christian. My brand of Christianity comes right out of the bible. We may both be for President Bush but for very different reasons. I think you favor Mr. Bush because he will make you more MONEY. I favor Mr. Bush because he is a moral man and with the banning of gay marriages, abortion, and other aethistic acts designed to undermine the very fabric of this country. Like I said, I will pray for your soul.

dr. freeze

Forum Member
Aug 25, 2001
i called you exaclty what you are.....i get angry at people like you just as Christ got angry and called people similar names when they used the church and religion for wrong reasons

I judged you exactly how I see is called DISCERNMENT.... i judged your positions.......which you have judged my life....which you have not seen nor have any idea judge why i vote for Bush, which i have not articulated

you are a blasphemer and i want absolutely nothing to do with until you recognize this because it is an abomination
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Jul 22, 2004
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Sir I won't say that to you. Although I will offer help to you if you want to accept it, I will not shut you out. I have not judged your life but rather you have judged mine with your ongoing name calling. I guessed why you would be voting for President Bush as your statements are not Christian-like. Although I will not say that you are a blashpermer, I will say that I believe you pervert the teachings of Christ to your own gain. I believe you accept the things about Christianity that fit your personal purposes and do not accept ALL the Bible teaches us. In your heart you know that mixing races is not good. The children of mixed marriages suffer. Do you not think about that or are you so self absorbed in your own perverted version of rightousness that all you care about is how you benefit. You sir are the money changer in the temple. They too professed to be good Jews but Christ threw them out of his house much the same way he will throw you out of heaven unless you repent. Jesus loves you and I also love you. I do not love the way you think and will pray for you that you see the way.
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Forum Member
Jul 22, 2004
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It is courage, courage, courage, that raises the blood of life to crimson splendor. Live bravely and present a brave front to adversity.
