looting after the storm....


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Jan 18, 2002
Among Libtards!!
there is nothing that gets me more pissed than watching tape come out of New Orleans and other areas devestated by the hurricane than seeing a bunch of piece of chit mutherphuckers stealing stuff from "mom and pops" stores. My parents own a small store up here and I know how hard they work....the hours they put in to try and find their niche in order to compete against the large chains like wal-mart....and meijer. This video I'm watching reminds me of the looting that was going on in LA during the riots.....although I must say that I was rooting like hell for those asians that took up arms to defend their stores during those riots in LA to kill a bunch of those morons......hopefully some of these store owners will do the same and knock off a few of these bastards......damn I'm pissed.....I hate people who take advantage of another persons misfortune!! I would have no problem shooting some of these morons....I could see taking some bread and food for your family if truly needed...but I don't think taking a big screen TV fits under that category.....I'd love to sit out with my little 38 and pop some of those miserable phucks!! :cursin:


Forum Member
Sep 16, 2003
mcity said:
This video I'm watching reminds me of the looting that was going on in LA during the riots.....although I must say that I was rooting like hell for those asians that took up arms to defend their stores during those riots in LA to kill a bunch of those morons......hopefully some of these store owners will do the same and knock off a few of these bastards

:yup :firing:


Forum Member
Sep 16, 2003
Mike Franklin stood on the trolley tracks and watched the spectacle unfold.

"To be honest with you, people who are oppressed all their lives, man, it's an opportunity to get back at society," he said. :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

Looting Takes Place in View of La. Police

Tuesday, August 30, 2005 5:59 p.m. ET
By ALLEN G. BREED Associated Press Writer

-- With much of the city flooded by Hurricane Katrina, looters floated garbage cans filled with clothing and jewelry down the street in a dash to grab what they could. In some cases, looting on Tuesday took place in full view of police and National Guard troops.

At a Walgreen's drug store in the French Quarter, people were running out with grocery baskets and coolers full of soft drinks, chips and diapers.

When police finally showed up, a young boy stood in the door screaming, "86! 86!" _ the radio code for police _ and the crowd scattered.

Denise Bollinger, a tourist from Philadelphia, stood outside and snapped pictures in amazement.

"It's downtown Baghdad," the housewife said. "It's insane. I've wanted to come here for 10 years. I thought this was a sophisticated city. I guess not."

Around the corner on Canal Street, the main thoroughfare in the central business district, people sloshed headlong through hip-deep water as looters ripped open the steel gates on the front of several clothing and jewelry stores.

One man, who had about 10 pairs of jeans draped over his left arm, was asked if he was salvaging things from his store.

"No," the man shouted, "that's EVERYBODY'S store."

Looters filled industrial-sized garbage cans with clothing and jewelry and floated them down the street on bits of plywood and insulation as National Guard lumbered by.

Mike Franklin stood on the trolley tracks and watched the spectacle unfold.

"To be honest with you, people who are oppressed all their lives, man, it's an opportunity to get back at society," he said.

A man walked down Canal Street with a pallet of food on his head. His wife, who refused to give her name, insisted they weren't stealing from the nearby Winn-Dixie supermarket. "It's about survival right now," she said as she held a plastic bag full of purloined items. "We got to feed our children. I've got eight grandchildren to feed."

At a drug store on Canal Street just outside the French Quarter, two police officers with pump shotguns stood guard as workers from the Ritz-Carlton Hotel across the street loaded large laundry bins full of medications, snack foods and bottled water.

"This is for the sick," Officer Jeff Jacob said. "We can commandeer whatever we see fit, whatever is necessary to maintain law."

Another office, D.J. Butler, told the crowd standing around that they would be out of the way as soon as they got the necessities.

"I'm not saying you're welcome to it," the officer said. "This is the situation we're in. We have to make the best of it."

The looting was taking place in full view of passing National Guard trucks and police cruisers.

One man with an armload of clothes even asked a policeman, "can I borrow your car?"

Some in the crowd splashed into the waist-deep water like giddy children at the beach.

danmurphy jr

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Forum Member
Sep 14, 2004
It's the American way. It's like watching Ernest goes to Biloxi. Livimg below sea level in a Hurricane path. Duh! The people in the midwest shoveling snow and busting their humps all winter will be paying for others to live in paradise. The Archie Bunkers have waded right in, shooting looters and let them rot in the street. Could always jail them- oh wait, it's jail's under water.


Registered User
Forum Member
Jul 24, 2003
mcity said:
there is nothing that gets me more pissed than watching tape come out of New Orleans and other areas devestated by the hurricane than seeing a bunch of piece of chit mutherphuckers stealing stuff from "mom and pops" stores. My parents own a small store up here and I know how hard they work....the hours they put in to try and find their niche in order to compete against the large chains like wal-mart....and meijer. This video I'm watching reminds me of the looting that was going on in LA during the riots.....although I must say that I was rooting like hell for those asians that took up arms to defend their stores during those riots in LA to kill a bunch of those morons......hopefully some of these store owners will do the same and knock off a few of these bastards......damn I'm pissed.....I hate people who take advantage of another persons misfortune!! I would have no problem shooting some of these morons....I could see taking some bread and food for your family if truly needed...but I don't think taking a big screen TV fits under that category.....I'd love to sit out with my little 38 and pop some of those miserable phucks!! :cursin:
:cursin: :cursin: :cursin: :cursin:


Go Heels
Forum Member
Jan 10, 2002
Balls Deep
I'd like to take some scuba gear and swim into Harrahs ;)

Hey, I only want back what they took from me. And over the years it's added up :)


Senior Pats Fan
Forum Member
Jun 20, 2002
Northern VA
Showing pictures now of people looting not just stores but peoples homes that they left behind. Hope the National Guard shoots a few of those bastards.

And now prisoners apparently rioting in two prisons holding hostages? What a nightmare.


Registered User
Forum Member
Nov 4, 2000
Food is one thing. And should be rare. T V sets and other such items maybe we should shoot them.


BSU Cards
Forum Member
Sep 1, 2003
New Palestine Indiana
I love these people who say they have nothing now because of the storm. It still amazes me 2 things, people in hurricane areas, why don't you guy by sheets of plywood and just keep them in storage someplace, save yourself some money there.

And two, get the F out. I guess one of the places a lot of people went was Tunica. Casino's in Biloxi and Gulfport MS are closed indefitneyly they said.

BTW, they went ahead and took all the cash out, something like 40 million is what I read. How would you like to be that armored truck driver. Yes I know the hurricane is coming, but you can go down and pick up 40 mil from the casino.


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Forum Member
Nov 4, 2000
It will turn so bad as folks get desperate. It's really just starting.


Registered User
Forum Member
Feb 12, 2000
Did you guys see they declared martial law? Man people break down pretty quickly.

But saint you have to remember that this society would be MUCH better if we didn't have religion ruining it. Our government does not need to be based on values because people can govern themselves. :rolleyes:


Registered User
Forum Member
Nov 4, 2000
No water, No anything. Think About It. No help coming. Theres a super market.
After seeing what is happening here. I guess I changed my mind go get the food and water hand it out.
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