I realize how most on the left view conservatives. Some believe that we are simple-minded, mostly prejudiced white men that do not ingest all the information available to us in this day and age when it comes to selecting our elected leaders. We simply walk in, vote straight Republican and then defend them to the death even if we might disagree with their views from time to time.
I also realize how most on the left, including the media, view themselves as open-minded, diverse non-prejudice intellectuals that consider all points of view when selecting their candidates. Last night's results in the Pennsylvania Democratic Primary brought this question to mind:
What would those on the left and in the media think and what would their reaction be if 98% of "Well-Informed White Voters" had cast their ballots for Hillary Clinton?
Just Wondering:shrug: Thanks in advance for your replies.
I also realize how most on the left, including the media, view themselves as open-minded, diverse non-prejudice intellectuals that consider all points of view when selecting their candidates. Last night's results in the Pennsylvania Democratic Primary brought this question to mind:
What would those on the left and in the media think and what would their reaction be if 98% of "Well-Informed White Voters" had cast their ballots for Hillary Clinton?
Just Wondering:shrug: Thanks in advance for your replies.
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