Question For The Forum

Double Two

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Forum Member
Mar 18, 2001
Pelham, Alabama USA
I realize how most on the left view conservatives. Some believe that we are simple-minded, mostly prejudiced white men that do not ingest all the information available to us in this day and age when it comes to selecting our elected leaders. We simply walk in, vote straight Republican and then defend them to the death even if we might disagree with their views from time to time.

I also realize how most on the left, including the media, view themselves as open-minded, diverse non-prejudice intellectuals that consider all points of view when selecting their candidates. Last night's results in the Pennsylvania Democratic Primary brought this question to mind:

What would those on the left and in the media think and what would their reaction be if 98% of "Well-Informed White Voters" had cast their ballots for Hillary Clinton?

Just Wondering:shrug: Thanks in advance for your replies.
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Double Two

Registered User
Forum Member
Mar 18, 2001
Pelham, Alabama USA
Sorry smurphy, let me clarify. It was barely mentioned last night in the television broadcasts and in the print media this morning that Obama received 98% of the black vote. Just wondering why this is not disscussed more by open-minded, non-bias liberals like Matthews, Olbermann, Russert and their likes. Believe me, they would be screaming unitil their heads blew-up if my hypothetical question were true.:yup


Forum Member
Oct 3, 2005
San Francisco
Matthews, Olbermann, Russert and their likes.

I watch television news really infrequently (why watch TV news when madjacks can give me what I need :mj07:).

But last night I happened to see Chris Matthews on TV for a couple minutes. What the hell happened to him? :scared :scared

He looks like the devil called in a debt. I would hate to see what his face looked like without hours of makeup. Did he recently just start looking like he is 90 years old? or was it a natural progression. I sure don't remember him looking that bad. It's odd because his voice still sounds energetic.


Double Two

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Forum Member
Mar 18, 2001
Pelham, Alabama USA
I think he was heart-broken that his boy, sorry, candidate got his ass handed to him by a larger margin than he thought. He tried to be objective but one could see the disappointment in his face. Thoughts that Obama might not be his next President are just too much for a "Non-Bias" reporter like Matthews to take!!!


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Jun 18, 2002
The question is a classic Karl Rove. Let's see 98% of the blacks vote for Obama. :mj07: I guess being black is a huge advantage. I am sure the corporate press will be playing this up like crazy. Who wudda thunk that being black is an advantage and all white people must rally together to make this fair. Sorry, just completing the sentence.

The Sponge

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Aug 24, 2006
Great question. Why don't you have your good buddy UGA answer it? He likes to play these games also. I will say this, A sucker who follows the neocon line because they are naive and gullible is not a conservative. They think they are but they really are just a foolish clown being manipulated over and over again. A person who is sick of lies and would like to see someone tell the truth for at least ten minutes is not a lefty or a Liberal. I think it is more one has common sense and the other is a Karl Rove pigeon that gets plucked.


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Nov 4, 2000
I would say if 98% black men voted for Obama. You could say there getting smarter.And if over 65% white men voted for Hillary. Well there not to smart. They would seem to have same old problems locked in there heads.

Double Two

Registered User
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Mar 18, 2001
Pelham, Alabama USA
By asking this question, I was merely trying to point out the double-standard and the hypocrisy that comes to light in these situations. If I am a foolish clown being manipulated by pigeon plucking Karl Rove because I vote Republican, then how does one characterize the 98 out of every 100 blacks that voted for Obama yesterday? I have not checked the records books, but I think it's fair to say that NEVER in the recent history of the Repulican Party has a candidate recieved 98% of the white vote. Seems the media and most on the left are willing to look the other way and give the black voters a pass when inspecting how a person selects a candidate. But my godness, when a "Bitter" person might consider voting for McCain, they must be a "Karl Rove Pigeon Plucked Foolish Clown". Come on Sponge, I believe even Eddie Haskell would agree and recognize the hypocrisy in this situation!!!;)


Registered User
Forum Member
Aug 23, 2002
I would say if 98% black men voted for Obama. You could say there getting smarter.And if over 65% white men voted for Hillary. Well there not to smart. They would seem to have same old problems locked in there heads.

:mj07: :mj07: :mj07:


Channel Member
Jul 31, 2004
Double Two - Please show where you get this 98% figure. I'm not seeing this from any exit polling stats. Are you cookin the books?

The Sponge

Registered User
Forum Member
Aug 24, 2006
By asking this question, I was merely trying to point out the double-standard and the hypocrisy that comes to light in these situations. If I am a foolish clown being manipulated by pigeon plucking Karl Rove because I vote Republican, then how does one characterize the 98 out of every 100 blacks that voted for Obama yesterday? I have not checked the records books, but I think it's fair to say that NEVER in the recent history of the Repulican Party has a candidate recieved 98% of the white vote. Seems the media and most on the left are willing to look the other way and give the black voters a pass when inspecting how a person selects a candidate. But my godness, when a "Bitter" person might consider voting for McCain, they must be a "Karl Rove Pigeon Plucked Foolish Clown". Come on Sponge, I believe even Eddie Haskell would agree and recognize the hypocrisy in this situation!!!;)

i know 100 percent of Idiots voted for Bush so this trumps your 98 percent. So now i have to ask why the double standard? Why did all these idiots not budge on their beliefs? why do the Sunnis vote for the Sunnis and why don't they vote for the Shites? Why do the Shites vote only for Shites and not for Sunnis? Your question as well as all the ones UGA pretends to know nothing about are racial you know it i know it so who are we bullshitting here? Let it gooooooooo. Its 2008
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Forum Member
Nov 16, 2001
Victory Lane
Double Two - Please show where you get this 98% figure. I'm not seeing this from any exit polling stats. Are you cookin the books?


Yeh I do not see the 98 percent anywhere.

It stands to reason if Obama signed up alot of new registered voters , he did it with the hopes they would vote for him.

Black people are beside themselves that they have a candidate to vote for that seemingly crosses voting lines. Remember they have only had Rev Jackson and Al Sharpton in the past. Its hard to vote for someone with no chance.

Obama's problem is with senior white people who carry prejudice with them from many years ago.
Not sure how Obama can overcome that.

Double Two

Registered User
Forum Member
Mar 18, 2001
Pelham, Alabama USA
smurphy...First saw the results on Fox News if you can believe that!;) Got confirmation however on the Barack Obama network MSNBC! I do not believe I have to cook the books to make my point. Sponge's reply helped make it for me!:)

The Sponge

Registered User
Forum Member
Aug 24, 2006
smurphy...First saw the results on Fox News if you can believe that!;) Got confirmation however on the Barack Obama network MSNBC! I do not believe I have to cook the books to make my point. Sponge's reply helped make it for me!:)

Do you understand that you hear nothing about the war anymore but you do hear about a Pastor, bitter comments, and some other silly shit for simpletons. As you see in your post you mention the bitter comment. What does any of this have to do with things that need to be taken care of in this county? Its a way to divide absolute jackasses and blind them from real issues. If you or anyone else can't figure this out then best of luck. Be played like a fool. Hopefully you reach the age of reason. You would think after this disaster with Bush where you were big time conned it would bring a reality check. I know people don't like to admit they were scammed.


Channel Member
Jul 31, 2004
smurphy...First saw the results on Fox News if you can believe that!;) Got confirmation however on the Barack Obama network MSNBC! I do not believe I have to cook the books to make my point. Sponge's reply helped make it for me!:)

Well I'm certainly not here to explain Sponge, God bless him.

From FoxNews website...

Number of responses: 2161
Sex by race Clinton Obama
White men (33%) 57% 43%
White women (46%) 68% 32%
Black men (6%) 7% 93%
Black women (8%) 12% 88%
Latino men (2%) - -
Latino women (2%) - -
All other races (2%) - -
Number of responses: 2161
Age by race Clinton Obama
White 18-29 (8%) 52% 48%
White 30-44 (14%) 58% 42%
White 45-59 (30%) 63% 37%
White 60+ (28%) 68% 32%
Black 18-29 (3%) - -
Black 30-44 (4%) - -
Black 45-59 (5%) 15% 85%
Black 60+ (3%) - -
Latino 18-29 (1%) - -
Latino 30-44 (1%) - -
Latino 45-59 (1%) - -
Latino 60+ (1%) - -
All other (2%) - -
Number of responses: 2038
Party by race Clinton Obama
White Democrats (67%) 65% 35%
White Independents (11%) 52% 48%
Black Democrats (11%) 10% 90%
Black Independents (2%) - -
Latino Democrats (3%) - -
Latino Independents (0%) - -
All Republicans (3%) - -
All other (2%) - -

I could certainly understand Fox hyping and exaggerating during television coverage - as this seems to be their nature.

Oddly, there was no exit polling for the Republicans, so we cannot determine how many of certain races and genders and ages overwhelmingly chose McCain or Paul or whoever.

The Sponge

Registered User
Forum Member
Aug 24, 2006
Oddly, there was no exit polling for the Republicans, so we cannot determine how many of certain races and genders and ages overwhelmingly chose McCain or Paul or whoever.

That is because they all voted for Hillary. Govt Rendell said it best. Our state consist of Philly, Pittsburgh with Alabama in the middle. Surprised he said it.


Channel Member
Jul 31, 2004
Do you understand that you hear nothing about the war anymore but you do hear about a Pastor, bitter comments, and some other silly shit for simpletons. As you see in your post you mention the bitter comment. What does any of this have to do with things that need to be taken care of in this county? Its a way to divide absolute jackasses and blind them from real issues. If you or anyone else can't figure this out then best of luck. Be played like a fool. Hopefully you reach the age of reason. You would think after this disaster with Bush where you were big time conned it would bring a reality check. I know people don't like to admit they were scammed.

Sponge, do YOU believe in the American flag?
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