"The Americans" Season 4


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May 26, 2002
Season 4 Episode 10 May 18th "Munchkins"

- Alice walks into Elizabeth and Philip living room and just goes off, she's pretty sure Elizabeth and Philip had something to do with Pastor Tim's disappearance in Ethiopia. And she even says this in front of Paige, not cool man not cool. Turns out Pastor Tim is fine, sheesh yet again that couple causes shit for the Jennings family.

- Oleg and Tatiana have some more sex, and talk about Twinkies, fun times.

- Martha?s father is Larry from Three's Company, wow who knew:lol:

- Paige has no plans to go to Russia, she ain't having any of that shit.

- Agent Gaad is on vacation in Thailand with his wife. In previous episode we saw Stan telling Philip that his old boss was headed there for a getaway. So it?s safe to assume that this information made its way to the Center, and they have now sent three goons to Gaads? room with a ?proposal.? Well things don't go well at all, Gaad tries to run away, and in the attack, he is thrown through a glass door, and that is it, he's dead. Gaad will be missed, especially by Stan.

- Philip is collecting a tape from Kimmy, making her first appearance this season, nice to see Kimmy alive and well, maybe she'll finally catch on that Phillip isn't in his late 20's, ok maybe not:facepalm:

- I think the plan is for Elizabeth to extort Don and then after they get the codes Elizabeth will not only kill Don but Young Hee as well. I hope I am wrong but remember when Elizabeth said "I am going to miss her", man that would suck. Hopefully the Center will come up with another plan because killing either of those two would suck.
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