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  • Jordan, very impressed with your picks, I find myself tailing you every season. Sorry to bother you, just wanted to ask if you use any services to help in your football picks such as sports options or sports insights? I work 2 jobs, but I'm a programmer during the day, I can't count how many prediction programs I've written but they are all purely stat driven, and all have failed the test of time. I love tailing you, but wish I could get on the same wavelength as you. Everytime I find a favored pick, I seem to end up being on the opposing side of your picks! Sorry to write a book here, any advice would be most appreciated if you have a minute.
    Thanks, Ty
    Jord,,,E mail me at j.cacioppo@Hotmail.com,,,booked for vegas this coming Friday through Wednesday,Shoot me a mail and maybe wife and I can buy ya a drink,,,
    Hey Jord if free we'll be up at the Hideout again tomorrow night around 8:30. Just an invite if you make it great if not maybe some other time. Hope all is well....
    Jord last minute invite but a friend of mine (Davy Knowles) is playing at the Hideout tonight in Chicago. It's a longshot but wtf. He goes on at 9. I'll be there at 8:00 to watch the Hawks go off. You want to come and see him play and hook up for a beer my cell is 630.709.9542.
    Hideout is at
    1354 W Wabansia Ave, Chicago, IL 60642
    (773) 227-4433

    Davy's played with the Who, Satriani and Hagar, produced by and played Frampton.

    Video snipet of him dueling Satriani below. I figure 1% chance of you being able to make it but like I say wtf. He'll be there every Tuesday in May.

    Just saw the response and I appreciate you getting back to me. Looks like we're from the same sports town. You ever hit a Hawks game I'll buy you a beer....I'll be there this month on the
    December 15th Sunday - Hawks Game 2 tickets
    December 23rd Monday - 7:00 Hawks game Devils (4)
    December 27th Friday - 7:00 Hawks Game (4)
    December 30th Monday - 7:00 Hawks Game (2)

    You ever want to go also just let me know.....
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