Recent content by lostinamerica

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  1. L

    First and Ten

    Nebraska(-9) over Illinois (1*) - - San Jose State(+13) over Washington State (1*) - - GL
  2. L

    First and Ten

    New York Jets(-4) over Tennessee (1*) - - Houston(-6) over Chicago (1*) - - Denver(+3)(-130) over Pittsburgh (1*) - - Baltimore(-9) over Las Vegas (1*) - - Jacksonville(-3) over Cleveland (1*) - - Tampa Bay/Detroit(Ov51) (1*) - - Dallas(-6) over New Orleans (1*) - - Kansas City(-6')...
  3. L

    First and Ten

    Georgia(-21') over Kentucky (1*) - - Indiana(-3)(-130) over UCLA (1*) - - Maryland(+3)(-130) over Virginia (1*) - - Colorado State(+7') over Colorado (1*) - - GL
  4. L

    First and Ten

    West Virginia(-1') over Pittsburgh (1*) - - Iowa(-23') over Troy (1*) - - Utah State(+20') over Utah (1*) - - Virginia Tech(-16) over Old Dominion (1*) - - Mississippi(-20') over Wake Forest (1*) - - Notre Dame(-7') over Purdue (1*) -...
  5. L

    First and Ten

    Miami(Ohio)(+3) over Cincinnati (1*) - - Central Michigan(+21) over Illinois (1*) - - Boston College(+14') over Missouri (1*) - - Michigan(-21') over Arkansas State (1*) - - LSU(-6) over South Carolina (1*) - - Florida State(-6') over Memphis (1*) - - GL
  6. L

    First and Ten

    2024 NCAA YTD: 11-13 (-3.50*) - - Fav: 6-8 - - Dog: 5-5 - - Totals: 0-0 - - 2nd H: 0-0 - - Big10: 7-6 2024 NFL YTD: 4-3 (+0.70*) Kansas State(-7)(-105) over Arizona (1*) - - UNLV(+9) over Kansas (1*) - - GL
  7. L

    First and Ten

    2024 NFL YTD: 4-4 (-0.40*) - - Fav: 3-2 - - Dog: 0-2 - - Totals: 1-0 - - 2nd H: 0-0 - - NFC North: 1-1 2024 NCAA YTD: 11-13 (-3.50*) Buffalo(+3)(-130) over Miami (1*) - - GL
  8. L

    First and Ten

    Chicago(-4) over Tennessee (1*) - - No one is on Chicago. I mean no one is on Chicago. Maybe it is the 1 and gazillion ATS record in first starts by rookie QBs and #1 picks. I think it is really more of a case of cappers playing a number instead of playing on or against teams . . . Pulling the...
  9. L

    First and Ten

    Tennessee(-8) over North Carolina State (1*) - - GL
  10. L

    First and Ten

    Utah(-15) over Baylor (1*) - - Kansas(-4) over Illinois (1*) - - Virginia(Pk) over Wake Forest (1*) - - GL
  11. L

    First and Ten

    2024 NCAA YTD: 7-6 (+0.20*) - - Fav: 3-2 - - Dog: 4-4 - - Totals: 0-0 - - 2nd H: 0-0 - - Big10: 5-2 NFL YTD: 1-1 (-0.10*) Iowa(-3) over Iowa State (1*) - - Kentucky(-9) over South Carolina (1*) - - Texas(-6') over Michigan (1*) - - Colorado(+6') over Nebraska (1*) - - Oklahoma(-27')...
  12. L

    First and Ten

    Green Bay(+2) over Philadelphia (1*) - - GL
  13. L


    Looks like at least two significant changes in the Rules this year with the contest results being tracked at I can enter all my picks early in the week, to be sure I don't overlook getting picks entered, and can then edit my picks until the first game starts. In previous years...
  14. L

    First and Ten

    NFL YTD: 0-0 (+0.00*) NCAA YTD: 7-6 (+0.20*) Kansas City(-3)(+100) over Baltimore (1*) - - GL
  15. L

    First and Ten

    Futures: Green Bay(Ov9') Wins (-145) (1*) Denver(Ov5') Wins (-150) (1*) Carolina(Ov5') Wins (-130) (1*) GL
  16. L

    First and Ten

    2023 NFL Regular Season: 69-63 (-1.91*) - - Fav: 47-38 - - Dog: 22-20 - - Totals: 0-3 - - 2nd H: 0-2 - - NFC North: 21-18 2023-2024 NFL Postseason: 9-4 (+4.45*) 2023 NCAA Regular Season: 119-114 (-5.70*) - - Fav: 85-69 - - Dog: 29-39 - - Totals: 2-4 - - 2nd H: 3-2 - - Big10: 34-30 2023-2024...
  17. L

    Please let me know if you made the required deposit

    Sorry, Jack. I don't see an e-mail. I have 3 e-mail accounts, and I checked them all, including the Junk folders. But I also don't remember which e-mail account I use for madjack. Are the first two letters of my e-mail . . . rj? rh? iw? Then I will check again. Thanks. GL
  18. L

    Please let me know if you made the required deposit

    I deposited $500 today for an entry in the Mock Hilton contest. Thanks, Boss. GL
  19. L

    First and Ten

    LSU(-4) over USC (1*) - - GL