Recent content by Revolutionary Intentions

  1. Revolutionary Intentions

    51st state

    No shit lol
  2. Revolutionary Intentions

    51st state

  3. Revolutionary Intentions


    The sooner we establish term limits in both chambers the better off this country will be.
  4. Revolutionary Intentions

    51st state

    Looks like I spoke too soon. Canada has another shot to retain their sovereignty.
  5. Revolutionary Intentions

    More click bait for my followers

    Agreed. Congress is and has been horrendous. Too much of a DC culture. We need to find a way to get all of the establishment types out of there. Unfortunately , you need congress to institute term limits and age restrictions on themselves which I don’t see happening in my lifetime. Sounds...
  6. Revolutionary Intentions

    Trumpty Dumpty

    I’m actually sorry that this is how your life is
  7. Revolutionary Intentions

    Trumpty Dumpty

    You need to brush up on the terms dictatorship and fascism.
  8. Revolutionary Intentions

    Trumpty Dumpty

    The Daytona thing was gratuitous, but I do prefer a visible potus. Good for morale imo. Nola is a liberal AF city and he lost all elections here, but his visit added bigtime to the buzz Super Bowl weekend.
  9. Revolutionary Intentions

    51st state

    Anyone watch usa hockey dismantle Canada at their own game and kick the shit out of them in the process ? That was fun. Canada is now our bitch. I don’t want another hyper liberal state, but what the hell. I’ll accept them as number 51.
  10. Revolutionary Intentions

    Fema sent 59mil to nyc hotels last week

    This audit must not be rushed, but im so glad they are dutifully working line by line uncovering wasteful spending. Personally, I’d be totally on board with 59 mil spent on the anerican homeless. 59 mill on illegals should only be spent rounding them up and sending them back to the land from...
  11. Revolutionary Intentions

    Trump lays out tax priorities

    There will be crickets in this thread….. even though this man’s tax policy looks impressive ( more impressive than i would have expected), it doesn’t fit the MJ’s narrative.
  12. Revolutionary Intentions

    CBS on DJT first 3 weeks

    There will be crickets in this thread because it doesn’t fit the narrative of Mad Jackie’s poli forum. 70% in the CBS poll agreed DJ T is doing what he said he would do. 53% are favorable on DJT’s admin to date. Remarkable given he is not very likable in my opinion, and we all know Americans...
  13. Revolutionary Intentions

    Project 2025: Reform Fed Govt & Support Trumpism

    I don’t think that we will or should invade any territories. Not Greenland, not Panama, and not Gaza. We obviously won’t. You don’t think we will either.
  14. Revolutionary Intentions

    Project 2025: Reform Fed Govt & Support Trumpism

    I almost forgot, you weirdo, when you paraphrase someone you do not use quotes. You used quotes. So while I’m glad you acknowledged that you paraphrased, no one would have known that except for me because you used quotes. Constantly talking about intelligence in every post, but you seem...
  15. Revolutionary Intentions

    Project 2025: Reform Fed Govt & Support Trumpism

    This agenda was laid out in advance. Musk will audit the entirety of govt. I’m glad they are doing so. It’s good for us to see what’s happening with our tax dollars. People voted for it. 70% in Friday’s CBS poll say the administration is doing what they said they would. I would guess 100%...
  16. Revolutionary Intentions

    Project 2025: Reform Fed Govt & Support Trumpism

    No chance I can read all that. You’re lying. And it would be very easy for you to screenshot to support your lies, but you can’t because I didn’t say it I do not know whether Kamala or Trump said they would lower inflation on day one. But if they did, it would be campaign rhetoric You guys...
  17. Revolutionary Intentions

    CBS on DJT first 3 weeks

    approval ratings and public thoughts on his enacted policies So glad so many are not ready to back the horrendous plan of occupying Gaza on a temporary or permanent basis
  18. Revolutionary Intentions

    Trump lays out tax priorities

    slashing government spending helps exponentially and it helps everyone from those with student loans, those with credit card, to those with mortgages to our own government. When we’re not borrowing more money every year, our interest rates will drop significantly. So by slashing spending, we...
  19. Revolutionary Intentions

    Trump lays out tax priorities

    I was personally against his idea of no tax on tips, no tax on overtime, and no tax on social security income bc I felt it would push us into a deeper hole than the 1.8 trillion annual budget deficit left by the former admin. Thankfully, djt is looking to close loopholes to generate revenue...
  20. Revolutionary Intentions

    Trudeau interesting commentary on DJT This cat is allergic to the truth.
  21. Revolutionary Intentions

    Project 2025: Reform Fed Govt & Support Trumpism

    Sorry big dog, i would say Rolltide before I said I love Donald J Trump. Feel free to screenshot my quotes. Should be easy
  22. Revolutionary Intentions

    Project 2025: Reform Fed Govt & Support Trumpism

    Feel free to screenshot the quotes. Otherwise, you’re just full of shit
  23. Revolutionary Intentions

    Project 2025: Reform Fed Govt & Support Trumpism

    The dude made up the quotes, but the sheep will follow follow.
  24. Revolutionary Intentions

    Project 2025: Reform Fed Govt & Support Trumpism

    Those aren’t quotes. He’s lying. He didn’t quote me . He didn’t copy and paste it or screenshot it. He manipulated my words, put quotes around it bc he’s odd
  25. Revolutionary Intentions

    Project 2025: Reform Fed Govt & Support Trumpism

    Why do I think this agenda will work this time ? This is the very first time that a candidate actually proposed a plan for reducing the size of government. Sure, independents, and libertarians, and Republicans often talk about it, but I’ve never heard a concrete plan for slashing the...
  26. Revolutionary Intentions

    Project 2025: Reform Fed Govt & Support Trumpism

    I’m just glad he’s doing very specifically what he said he would do. The people voted for change. Looking forward to it
  27. Revolutionary Intentions

    Project 2025: Reform Fed Govt & Support Trumpism

    Yeah, your buddy didn’t quote me. He paraphrased to his liking and added quotations. You’ll never hear me say that I love Donald Trump. Embarrassed 😂😂
  28. Revolutionary Intentions

    Project 2025: Reform Fed Govt & Support Trumpism

    I did not speak to Donald Trump‘s business acumen. Obviously the dude took 400 million and turned it into 6 billion, so he’s no slouch, but the individual in charge of auditing the government is Elon Musk. There isn’t a more successful businessman that I’m aware of
  29. Revolutionary Intentions

    Mexico is playing ball. Your turn, Canada

    Yes, there were concessions. Even though Canada had already started on the path or at least held discussions on a couple of the concessions, he definitely had them appoint a fentanyl, and to list drug cartels as terrorist organizations. It’s so odd that you’re denying these things. That’s even...
  30. Revolutionary Intentions

    Mexico is playing ball. Your turn, Canada

    Some people say that Canada is like a little brother. I get where they’re coming from, but I liken it more to our gardener’s son. He’s a nice kid so we are more than willing to write him a letter of rec when he applies to private school.
  31. Revolutionary Intentions

    Mexico is playing ball. Your turn, Canada

    The facts are that DJ T asked for some concessions at the border and he received them. I was glad that he received them because there’s no reason for Canada and the USA to be at odds, simply because Canada is run by neoliberals.
  32. Revolutionary Intentions

    Mexico is playing ball. Your turn, Canada

    Your buddy Rev will Spend some time next week with you going over fact vs opinion. Rev is here to help
  33. Revolutionary Intentions

    Mexico is playing ball. Your turn, Canada

    It’s very simple. Trump asked for a little cooperation and some basic concessions. Mexico gave a little more than Canada because Mexico has the bigger issue in this regard. Both were gracious in their response after speaking with Donald Trump. All parties have moved on.
  34. Revolutionary Intentions

    Mexico is playing ball. Your turn, Canada

    This is just me reposting my words to help you understand my position. you’re clearly going through a difficult time right now. I’m not looking to make it worse. If I’m you, I would start with decaf in lieu of your cold brew. . I would also consider some daily exercise. Both should help with...
  35. Revolutionary Intentions

    Mexico is playing ball. Your turn, Canada

    Oh, the words of an extreme leftist agree with your take? I am so surprised 😂
  36. Revolutionary Intentions

    Mexico is playing ball. Your turn, Canada

    I didn’t say anything other than these concessions asked for by Trump definitely did not hurt. Your overreaction here is weird to say the very least. FYI, My name would still be Cie if I had not been banned from the site. I go by revolutionary intentions now, but it’s rev to my friends.
  37. Revolutionary Intentions

    Project 2025: Reform Fed Govt & Support Trumpism

    "i love trump because he does what he said he's going to do during the campaign." "anyone who believes what trump says during the campaign is a fool." The above are not my quotes. You seem to be struggling with the truth. Under no circumstance will I ever say that I love Trump. I can’t...
  38. Revolutionary Intentions

    Project 2025: Reform Fed Govt & Support Trumpism

    The people voted for trump after they were told musk would audit every department Are you anti democracy, Mad Jackie?
  39. Revolutionary Intentions

    Project 2025: Reform Fed Govt & Support Trumpism

    The most successful business owner in the world seems like the perfect candidate to review our spending. But, what do I know? Fortunately, Donald Trump was clear in advance of who he would use for this task. The people heard it and the people voted for it. Now it’s time to see how well it...
  40. Revolutionary Intentions

    Project 2025: Reform Fed Govt & Support Trumpism

    The sitting president ran on a platform that included the use of Elon Musk to audit government spending department by department to identify wasteful spending, reduce the size and increase the efficiency of government. Elon Musk is not running the country. But, he is following through with the...
  41. Revolutionary Intentions

    Mexico is playing ball. Your turn, Canada

    Lol. The bottom line is these concessions requested by trump and agreed to by Mexico and Canada definitely don’t hurt the cause of slowing the amount of fentanyl entering the country. Hard to imagine why anyone would be opposed to this. It’s just like the transparency in govt spending issue I...
  42. Revolutionary Intentions

    Mexico is playing ball. Your turn, Canada

    Wow. Does that mean that fresh blood won’t be able to to get it done? Are you a quitter? Did you ever ask the same girl out on a date after she declined the first time ? Do you snap your pitching wedge over your knee after consecutive failed chips and go home before the turn?
  43. Revolutionary Intentions

    Project 2025: Reform Fed Govt & Support Trumpism

    How stupid could you be? Please see his trump gif. Again, it’s a constant refrain in here from a couple of guys. I was not exposed as a hypocrite in anyway shape or form. I don’t know if Kamala or Trump said they would lower inflation on day one. If either did, I don’t recall hearing it. It...
  44. Revolutionary Intentions

    Project 2025: Reform Fed Govt & Support Trumpism

    Well done 😂 I’m speaking to the campaign rhetoric smitty brought up. Couldn’t care less about Kamala.
  45. Revolutionary Intentions

    Scott Jennings on state of Democratic party

    Apologies in advance. I switched to landscape mode foolishly thinking it would improve the viewing experience
  46. Revolutionary Intentions

    Project 2025: Reform Fed Govt & Support Trumpism

    Yep. We know anyone who has a different political ideology than you is poorly educated, or dumb, or evil. I honestly have no idea if Trump or Kamala said that they would lower inflation on day one. If they did, no one sane would believe it. Simply not feasible. I know how Trump planned on...
  47. Revolutionary Intentions

    Project 2025: Reform Fed Govt & Support Trumpism

    I bookmarked the national debt on the day Trump took office and if it’s not lower at the end of his term, then he did not do his job. I realize that Biden and now DJT are dealing with higher interest rates on that debt, but it’s their job to put us in a better position. Hopefully Democrats and...
  48. Revolutionary Intentions

    Lindy Li on the Sean Ryan show

    Quality episode. Well worth your hour and 45 minutes.
  49. Revolutionary Intentions

    More disingenuous Democrat tactics

    This is what Trump ran on. Now let’s see if it works.
  50. Revolutionary Intentions

    Brian Williams on the state of Democratic Party

    Having given up the possibility that a viable 3rd party will contend in my lifetime, I am hopeful that the establishment Republican party is dead, and this new look Republican party takes hold on that side. I am equally hopeful that Democrats rebuild their dead party. They need to be a...
  51. Revolutionary Intentions

    Project 2025: Reform Fed Govt & Support Trumpism

    l Are you against curtailing frivolous spending? Are you against reducing our debt? If so, why?
  52. Revolutionary Intentions

    More disingenuous Democrat tactics

    Trump won the popular vote, he won the electoral college, and everyone who voted knew full and well that Trump would use Elon Musk for this extremely important task. Yet all of these lunatics claim to be surprised. Government reduction. Spending reduction. Deficit reduction. How can anyone...
  53. Revolutionary Intentions

    Brian Williams on the state of Democratic Party

    Williams comments and analysis by 2 democrats at The Hill.
  54. Revolutionary Intentions

    2 former democrats discussing USAID

    only one of those men voted for DJT l
  55. Revolutionary Intentions

    2 former democrats discussing USAID

    Democrat Lex Friedman “ Everyone should be in favor of transparent, efficient government. Seems obvious.”
  56. Revolutionary Intentions

    2 former democrats discussing USAID

    Very interesting perspective
  57. Revolutionary Intentions

    How people are nowadays

    Me: I prefer mangoes to oranges Hyperbolic myopic stranger virtue signaling stranger: Wny do you hate oranges? You didn’t even mention bananas, pineapples and grapefruit. Educate yourself. I’m literally shaking right now.
  58. Revolutionary Intentions

    Project 2025: Reform Fed Govt & Support Trumpism

    My favorite Democrat would be the potus today, or at least vice president if liberals would have not installed vapid Kamala, or even if they had the sense to add shapiro to her ticket. They chose an insanely liberal pro Arab anti-Israel buffoon instead, and now you’re all stuck with DJT. I...
  59. Revolutionary Intentions

    Project 2025: Reform Fed Govt & Support Trumpism

    Anyone who believes campaign rhetoric such as “ I will lower prices of eggs immediately” is a fool. Obviously, both sides spoke on campaign trail about helping on the inflation front. Where they differed was how to get there. Trump spoke of deregulation and lowering energy cost in an effort to...
  60. Revolutionary Intentions

    Project 2025: Reform Fed Govt & Support Trumpism

    The thing I like the least about you is that you lie so much. How can you possibly attempt to deny Trump’s platform? He told us what he and doge would do. He told us about the deportations. He told us all of what I listed above as part of his platform. As to inflation, he immediately signed...
  61. Revolutionary Intentions

    Project 2025: Reform Fed Govt & Support Trumpism

    Trump ran on a platform of 1 auditing government spending and reducing size of govt with doge 2 deporting illegal aliens at a rapid rate and securing the border 3 America first foreign policy 4 Convincing Ukraine and Russia to make a deal 5 destabilizing the Middle East. 6 deregulation...
  62. Revolutionary Intentions

    Loony Left

    quite a few posts were lost per jack. I see in the remaining posts whn, cherry blaster, and duff miver all spoke out against trump tariffs then remained silent , like the bulk of media, for years after Biden didn’t repeal.
  63. Revolutionary Intentions

    Loony Left

    You guys just like leftists everywhere were freaking out about the tariffs.
  64. Revolutionary Intentions

    Loony Left

  65. Revolutionary Intentions

    Loony Left

    Let’s think back 4 years. Leading up to that election Trump’s tariffs were lampooned widely by the left. News organizations, members of biden’s team, whn on this forum, and leftist pundits all cried constantly about these tariffs. Biden didn’t repeal them. You were very quiet about that...
  66. Revolutionary Intentions

    Loony Left

    Election mode is over. So why would anyone continue to push their campaign rhetoric on either side? Trump stepped immediately signed multiple executive orders promoting his deregulation agenda s d multiple executive orders supporting his energy policy. Deregulation and low energy costs...
  67. Revolutionary Intentions

    Promises made. Promises kept

    BwahahahaHahahah @ my people who evaluate presidential performance as part of their job.
  68. Revolutionary Intentions

    Promises made. Promises kept

    I do appreciate a politician who puts into practice what he preached in his campaign
  69. Revolutionary Intentions

    Loony Left

    Wow. This guy epitomizes what is wrong with the country today….. villainizing those who have different political opinions is so weird. Claiming anyone who voted for the Republican ticket are misogynist bigots is laughable. That dude needs a fresh haircut and a better outlook on life.
  70. Revolutionary Intentions

    Coming Soon! Trump Gaza!!

    I can’t tell if he’s trolling or just being an idiot. More likely a little of each lol The diarrhea of the mouth, stream of consciousness nonsense is one of the reasons I’ve never liked djt.
  71. Revolutionary Intentions

    there going down lol

    I don’t see what anyone’s complaining about at this point. Shrinking the bureaucracy and eliminating wasteful spending is something 50% of the country voted for. I’m with you, Presidents don’t affect me directly. DJ T hands were tied and he spent a fortune on Covid relief which grew our...
  72. Revolutionary Intentions

    Gender fluid teachers

    Would you allow this person to teach your eight year old?
  73. Revolutionary Intentions

    Coming Soon! Trump Gaza!!

    It’s been 3 weeks, but you know this A new regime was voted in to deport illegals who flooded the USA the past 4 years, implementation of long-term common sense border policies, full audit of all government spending, reduction of the size of government, reduction in regulation, improved...
  74. Revolutionary Intentions

    Coming Soon! Trump Gaza!!

    😂😂😂 DJT says so much stupid shit. I still can’t tell when he’s trolling.
  75. Revolutionary Intentions

    Promises made. Promises kept

    Long way to go, but 2 weeks in: Mexico caved Canada caved Panama caved Colombia caved Venezuela caved Mass deportations Hostages are home DEI programs ended Bureaucracy slashed FBI purges are underway USAID funding cancelled Gender ideology eliminated DOGE already saved billions 51 intel...
  76. Revolutionary Intentions

    Prices Going Up. Trump Tariffs Start Today.

    I’m just glad they were able to meet the requests asked of them after initially laughing them off.
  77. Revolutionary Intentions

    Prices Going Up. Trump Tariffs Start Today.

    But we are more safe today. There is more opportunity with these concessions for us to limit the flow of fentanyl to at least some degree.
  78. Revolutionary Intentions

    Prices Going Up. Trump Tariffs Start Today.

    More outright dishonesty from you. Who said a trade war is an answer? The threat of a trade war is going to obviously give us leverage because we can withstand a trade war with Mexico and Canada more than they can. An absolute master class by DJT 2.0. Three weeks ago, Mexico and Canada...
  79. Revolutionary Intentions

    Prices Going Up. Trump Tariffs Start Today.

    Per their own words on X, as reported on both establishment and independent media, heads of state in Mex and Can made several concessions requested by DJT. We accepted those concessions in good faith, and gave them a month to make sure they put them into place. Mexico gave a little more, but a...
  80. Revolutionary Intentions

    Democratic Party favorability

    What was the first subject? Lemme guess…DJT forcing Canada and Mexico— both of which originally mocked his fentanyl concerns when he threatened tariffs- to allocate resources to the fentanyl battle? Amirite? Head back in the sand, sir.
  81. Revolutionary Intentions

    Democratic Party favorability

    The extreme leftists in this forum do not speak for the people of America. The people of America favor the Republican party on a 4 to 3 basis at this time. “The Democratic Party is facing a harsh reality as a record number of voters have the highest unfavorable view of the political party...
  82. Revolutionary Intentions

    Mexico is playing ball. Your turn, Canada

    I just don’t understand what the downside to having Mexico participate more in securing that border, and having Mexico join the task force with us and accept our assistance in shutting down the cartels.
  83. Revolutionary Intentions

    Prices Going Up. Trump Tariffs Start Today.

    I agree. Neither of those are great. The good news is both leaders sound fully on board, and I see no reason that they won’t immediately put all of their concessions into practice to avoid a repeat.
  84. Revolutionary Intentions

    Prices Going Up. Trump Tariffs Start Today.

    It’s less of a problem now that Canada has agreed to cooperate with Donald Trump’s requests
  85. Revolutionary Intentions

    Mexico is playing ball. Your turn, Canada

    fantastic win for North America as a whole. We are all dafter today. DJT wanted cooperation from our neighbors to the north and south in the fight against fentanyl. Both Mexico and Canada were wise enough to step up. That was very generous of Mexico to agree to secure that southern border...
  86. Revolutionary Intentions

    Prices Going Up. Trump Tariffs Start Today.

    I’m just glad Mexico and Canada came to their senses. You’d think they would want to combat fentanyl and strengthen borders without having their arm twisted. North America is safer now. The only thing that slightly troubling is that Canada needed a slap, upside the back of the head to label...
  87. Revolutionary Intentions

    Prices Going Up. Trump Tariffs Start Today.

    Dude, you’re obviously fucking retarded. DJT wanted help with fentanyl and the border. They agreed to play ball. That’s it. It’s nothing more than that. Not sure why this is so hard for you.
  88. Revolutionary Intentions

    Prices Going Up. Trump Tariffs Start Today.

    My favorite Canadian concession is “we will list cartels as terrorists” Runner up : I have also signed a new intelligence directive on organized crime and fentanyl and we will be backing it with $200 million.
  89. Revolutionary Intentions

    Prices Going Up. Trump Tariffs Start Today.
  90. Revolutionary Intentions

    Prices Going Up. Trump Tariffs Start Today.

    I copied and pasted their words.
  91. Revolutionary Intentions

    Prices Going Up. Trump Tariffs Start Today.

    what are you even talking about. These are Canada’s concessions in trudeau’s words: 1 Canada is implementing our $1.3 billion border plan — reinforcing the border with new choppers, technology and personnel, enhanced coordination with our American partners, and increased resources to stop the...
  92. Revolutionary Intentions

    Prices Going Up. Trump Tariffs Start Today.

    How bizarre. Did you not read the concessions made by both Mexico and Canada? Personally, I’m glad they came to their senses.
  93. Revolutionary Intentions

    Prices Going Up. Trump Tariffs Start Today.

    I don’t know what misinformation you’re speaking about. I simply quoted the heads of state in both Mexico and Canada. Both of whom have agreed to trump’s request. Problem solved. You’re gonna need to find something else to cry hard about, weakling.
  94. Revolutionary Intentions

    Prices Going Up. Trump Tariffs Start Today.

    Canada has already bent the knee. Trudeau: i just had a good call with President Trump. Canada is implementing our $1.3 billion border plan — reinforcing the border with new choppers, technology and personnel, enhanced coordination with our American partners, and increased resources to stop...
  95. Revolutionary Intentions

    Prices Going Up. Trump Tariffs Start Today.

    You girls are sooooo pissed that Mexico fell in line. DJT 2.0 continues to impress.
  96. Revolutionary Intentions

    Mexico is playing ball. Your turn, Canada

    Canada will come to the table now that Mexican leaders have shown them the light. I realize that their neoliberal government had been fucking over Canadadians for years, but I didn’t realize Canada was far more poorly led than Mexico.
  97. Revolutionary Intentions

    Mexico is playing ball. Your turn, Canada
  98. Revolutionary Intentions

    Prices Going Up. Trump Tariffs Start Today.

    Tighten up your immigration and border policy, Canada.
  99. Revolutionary Intentions

    Prices Going Up. Trump Tariffs Start Today.

    Just yanking your chain a little bit A DJT trade war with Canada is not positive. He is asking Canada to do things such as track fentanyl components, and be more mindful of those on terror watchlist. Canada will modify their policy on this front, and all will be well again. In the end...
  100. Revolutionary Intentions

    Prices Going Up. Trump Tariffs Start Today.

    Actually, I wasn’t aware of a good bit of that information until a Canadian member of a partnership group gave me these pearls in Fort Lauderdale this weekend. I was eager to share. Time for Canada to start tightening up.
  101. Revolutionary Intentions

    Prices Going Up. Trump Tariffs Start Today.

    Tighten up your immigration policy and do a better of keeping members of the terror watchlist off our border, and you’ll be fine. Otherwise, your country will fail because you’ve had weak neo liberal leadership for years and extremist buffoons like yourself were on board every step of the way.
  102. Revolutionary Intentions

    Prices Going Up. Trump Tariffs Start Today.

    Every Canadian provinces main trade partner is the United States. Canada doesn’t have refining capabilities for sour crude. Canada doesn’t even have pipelines to the eastern part of the country that don’t run through the northern United States. Last year 350 terror watchlist were arrested at...
  103. Revolutionary Intentions

    Prices Going Up. Trump Tariffs Start Today.

    Omg. Allow me introduce you to my friend tongue in cheek.
  104. Revolutionary Intentions

    Prices Going Up. Trump Tariffs Start Today.

    I was surprised there were no raw materials exemptions. Will see how it goes. The last time this board freaked out about DJT tariffs, the Biden administration extended them. All the whining about tariffs stopped immediately 😂 Thinking about it, I’d actually rather pay a couple thousand...
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