I did not speak to Donald Trump‘s business acumen. Obviously the dude took 400 million and turned it into 6 billion, so he’s no slouch
every business venture he started failed (including a casino!) until some idiot decided to put him on tv in the role of a successful businessman. even donald trump couldn't lose money at that.
trump steaks
trump water
trump university
trump airlines (i think. so many scams, i can't even keep track of them all.)
hell, his "charitable" foundation was even a scam.
he has been a scam artist his entire life. he convinced people he had money, so he got loans that he didn't pay back. he famously stiffed hundreds of contractors.
and every time he was sued, his lawyers dragged it out and dragged it out.
he has done this his entire life.
it was only when he decided he wanted to be a politician and switched to the republican party that he was able to find enough gullible people to fall for his bullshit.
so you're right about one thing. he's no slouch. at failing. he may be the best at failing the world has ever seen. right up until 2016, when enough ignorant fucks convinced themselves that he cared about them.